Hobart rally calling for Sue Neill-Fraser inquiry

Sue Neill-Fraser supporters will hold a rally on Saturday December 18, 2021, calling for an inquiry into her case. Speakers at the Rally will commence at 11.00am and include Andrew Wilkie MP, Lara Giddings, former Tasmanian Premier, and Sarah Bowles, Sue Neill-Fraser’s daughter.   Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 7 Comments

NSW A-G in ‘state sanctioned abuse’ over Folbigg

A ground-breaking development within clinical practice has prompted Kathleen Folbigg’s lawyer Rhanee Rego to accuse NSW Attorney-General Mark Speakman of failing to act on the evidence “which unequivocally supports innocence” without anything to contradict it. She told Lawyers Weekly that the Attorney is engaged in “state-sanctioned abuse”.  Continue reading

Posted in Case 17 Kathleen Folbigg | 1 Comment

Canadian Commission delivers report to establish MoJ Commission

Far reaching recommendations that go well beyond anything so far established in other countries are contained in the report by the Canadian Commission advising the government on the establishment of a Criminal Cases Review Commission, including that the new body work actively in partnership with existing and new Innocence Projects, as recommended by Australian legal academics Bob Moles and Bibi Sangha.  Continue reading

Posted in CCRC, General articles | 4 Comments

Why Sue Neill-Fraser jury verdict is unsafe

Andrew L. Urban

In the long-running matter of Sue Neill-Fraser’s 2010 murder conviction, some people still rely on the jury’s guilty verdict; but a jury’s verdict is (usually) based on the facts and evidence presented to them. What might have convinced this jury? Why is the verdict unsafe? Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 11 Comments

ABC RN Law Report guests consider the DNA ‘possibilities’ after dismissal of Sue Neill-Fraser appeal

Andrew L. Urban. 

Meaghan Vass’ DNA deposit on the Four Winds being the sole focus of Sue Neill-Fraser’s second appeal (decision announced November 30, 2021), it was central to the ABC RN’s 30 minute Law Report program on Tuesday, December 7, 2021. Perhaps inadvertently, it showed the weakness of the dismissal of the appeal. Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 15 Comments

Sue Neill-Fraser appeal judges contribute to catastrophic failure of the Tasmanian justice system

Andrew L. Urban.

Legal errors and mistakes in the majority judges’ reasoning in dismissing Sue Neill-Fraser’s latest appeal against her murder conviction further disgrace Tasmania’s legal system, bringing to six the judges in this case to have contributed to a catastrophic failure of the justice system. (Trial: Blow J; first appeal: Crawford CJ, Tennent & Porter JJ; second appeal; Wood & Pearce JJ) Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 18 Comments

ACT cop Scott White found guilty of perjury – the flipside of a wrongful conviction

Dan Jones was imprisoned as a result of false allegations made by his ex girlfriend Sara Jane Parkinson and her crooked ACT cop boyfriend, Scott White, in March 2014. Parkinson was finally caught out and sent to prison – and last week Scott White was finally found guilty of perjury. Continue reading

Posted in General articles | 5 Comments

‘Enough’ is not enough, Sue Neill-Fraser supporters stand firm

Andrew L. Urban.

It is not surprising that TasPol would want legal challenges to Sue Neill-Fraser’s 2010 murder conviction shut down, but it is somewhat surprising that the late Bob Chappell’s family would – according to The Australian’s Hobart reporter, Matthew Denholm (December 3, 2021). Chappell’s body has never been found; wouldn’t the family like to know what actually happened to him?  Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 19 Comments

If our criminal justice system were an airline it would be grounded

Andrew L. Urban

The latest forensic disaster, in which one of Australia’s most respected forensic scientists, Kirsty Wright, laid out the serious errors and problems in the ­Queensland government-run laboratory’s handling of forensic evidence in the murder of Shandee Blackburn, is, as they say, the tip of the iceberg. And it was only the pressure of public opinion, fuelled by relentless media reporting, that finally got the Queensland government to call for an inquiry involving international experts, into the lab’s handling of cases dating back almost two decades. But the iceberg has within it other forensic labs, and many other issues that need reform, not least an outdated appeals process that is not fit for purpose.  Continue reading

Posted in CCRC, General articles | 6 Comments

Sue Neill-Fraser fundraising rebooted

New arrangements have been made to raise funds towards a campaign of public information to negate the false narrative built around her by police and the ODPP, it was announced by the Sue Neill-Fraser Support group. The move follows the November 30, 2021 dismissal of her latest appeal against the murder conviction.* Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 2 Comments