Category Archives: Case 06 ‘Paul’

How can men prove their innocence ?

Andrew L. Urban. Sexual assault, what people think of as rape and sexual intercourse without consent are not really the same thing, yet they are stapled together in the eyes of the law. The entire subject is one of the … Continue reading

Posted in Case 06 'Paul', Case 18 Bruce Lehrmann, Case 22 Noel Greenaway | 3 Comments

The law as manhunt

Andrew L. Urban. I visited Noel Greenaway in maximum security last year. As he came out to greet me, I made a mental note that he was wearing spotless white overalls; prison issue. How ironic, I thought, yet how fitting. … Continue reading

Posted in Case 06 'Paul', Case 22 Noel Greenaway | 14 Comments

Respect is earned; so is disrespect, Your Honour

Andrew L. Urban. In a timely warning to his fellow judges, High Court Chief Justice Stephen Gageler has raised concerns that increasing media “attacks” made on individual judges may reflect on the judiciary as a whole, saying judges need to … Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser, Case 05 Derek Bromley, Case 06 'Paul', Case 07 George Pell, Case 11 Robert Xie | 10 Comments

Rape or sour grapes?

Andrew L. Urban  The day before the rape trial began last month, the complainant’s deception came to light: she had rehearsed a script for a phone call to manipulate the accused into making admissions to a rape that didn’t happen. … Continue reading

Posted in Case 06 'Paul', Case 22 Noel Greenaway | 2 Comments

CCRC would relieve politicians of impossible choice

As things stand, politicians burdened with the responsibilities of Attorney-General often face the impossible choice of advising the relevant Governor on petitions from innocents convicted of sexual abuse. It should not be their choice; legal matters should stay within the … Continue reading

Posted in Case 06 'Paul', Case 22 Noel Greenaway, CCRC, General articles | 26 Comments

Why Mark Speakman is the wrong man to lead the NSW Liberals

Andrew L. Urban There is no such thing, I don’t suppose, as a ‘wrongful leader’ but if there were, I would nominate Mark Speakman, the recently elected leader of the NSW Liberal Party. This is my ‘j’accuse’ …

Posted in Case 06 'Paul' | 10 Comments

Letter from the rip

This private letter is from a man who has led an exemplary life, but when accused of historical sexual molestation by a vengeful woman, then a youngster, years after the alleged events, he was tried and convicted, his life ruined. … Continue reading

Posted in Case 06 'Paul' | 10 Comments

Is this Australian justice?

Andrew L. Urban. A man, without a single other legal blemish, convicted of historical sexual abuse of a little girl in his family, 22 years before, believes he could prove his innocence if the NSW Attorney General advised the Governor … Continue reading

Posted in Case 06 'Paul' | 7 Comments

What do Justice Kavanaugh, Cardinal Pell and this man have in common?

Andrew L. Urban. The following note was sent to me on Saturday, March 2, 2019, by a man whose life has been damaged in much the same way as have the lives of Justice Kavanaugh and Cardinal Pell, by allegations … Continue reading

Posted in Case 06 'Paul' | 5 Comments