Monthly Archives: March 2024

Why … ?

Andrew L. Urban. In a criminal legal system that relies for legitimacy on uniformity of application and consistency of outcomes, apparent anomalies stand out. 

Posted in General articles | 12 Comments

Derek Bromley granted parole after 40 years

Andrew L. Urban  Granting Derek Bromley’s bail application on March 27, 2024, 40 years after his 1984 murder conviction, parole board chair Frances Nelson KC commented: “He continues to maintain his innocence. He’s entitled to do that, it’s not for … Continue reading

Posted in Case 05 Derek Bromley | 29 Comments

Here come the judge … was Lehrmann defamed?

Two weeks from today, at 10.15 am, April 4, 2024, Justice Lee of the Federal Court will hand down his judgement in one of the most consequential cases in contemporary Australia: the defamation case brought by Bruce Lehrmann against Network … Continue reading

Posted in Case 18 Bruce Lehrmann | 1 Comment

Young Liberals President disinvites Bettina Arndt – event cancelled

NSW Young Liberals president Chanum Torres has given no reason for disinviting Bettina Arndt from a panel discussion organised by Sydney University Conservative Club planned for Tuesday, March 19, 2024, which included Chris Merritt, Vice President of the Rule of … Continue reading

Posted in Case 18 Bruce Lehrmann | 10 Comments

Lawfare in Australia – with Chris Merritt and Andrew L. Urban – CANCELLED

A panel discussion followed by Q&A will examine the case of Brittany Higgins v Bruce Lehrman at a free seminar at the University of Sydney, organised by the University’s Conservative Club, on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. 

Posted in Case 18 Bruce Lehrmann | 9 Comments

Jurors behaving badly

Answering a question on Quora*, What things have you accidentally overheard? Do you regret hearing them? former US criminal trial attorney BRIAN KEARNEY, told the following story about a jury deliberation process he accidentally overheard. Warning: don’t read this before … Continue reading

Posted in General articles | 9 Comments

Rape or sour grapes?

Andrew L. Urban  The day before the rape trial began last month, the complainant’s deception came to light: she had rehearsed a script for a phone call to manipulate the accused into making admissions to a rape that didn’t happen. … Continue reading

Posted in Case 06 'Paul', Case 22 Noel Greenaway | 2 Comments

Drumgold loses on 7 of 8 grounds but ACT taxpayers to pay his costs

Andrew L. Urban. In the case of Drumgold v Sofronoff Board of Inquiry … seven of Shane Drumgold’s eight grounds of complaint against Walter Sofronoff’s report were dismissed – yet his costs are to be paid by ACT taxpayers … … Continue reading

Posted in Case 18 Bruce Lehrmann | 7 Comments

Noel Greenaway – the evidence in his defence

The following excerpt from PRESUMPTION OF EVIL, Andrew L. Urban’s latest book, challenges Greenaway’s convictions for the sexual and physical abuse of teenage girls at Parramatta Girls Training School nearly half a century before the trial. 

Posted in Case 22 Noel Greenaway | 5 Comments