Category Archives: Case 07 George Pell

Respect is earned; so is disrespect, Your Honour

Andrew L. Urban. In a timely warning to his fellow judges, High Court Chief Justice Stephen Gageler has raised concerns that increasing media “attacks” made on individual judges may reflect on the judiciary as a whole, saying judges need to … Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser, Case 05 Derek Bromley, Case 06 'Paul', Case 07 George Pell, Case 11 Robert Xie | 10 Comments

Week of Pell’s ‘resurrection’

Andrew L. Urban Within the space of a couple of days this week, several voices were heard in the public square ‘resurrecting’ the late Cardinal Pell, dismissing the notion that he was guilty of sexual abuse, a notion that some … Continue reading

Posted in Case 07 George Pell | 13 Comments

Cardinal Pell: evidence does prove his innocence – leading jurist

Andrew L. Urban. In Pell, the Victorian Court of Appeal’s Judgement “falls apart under your eyes,” writes jurist John Finnis AC QC in the new book Current Issues in the Law of Evidence (Connor Court). The Appeal judges, it seems, … Continue reading

Posted in Case 07 George Pell | 1 Comment

Cardinal Pell … well, well, well

Italian media have reported that Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu, 72, is suspected of wiring 700,000 euros to recipients in Australia who helped to ensure hostile testimony in the trial of Cardinal George Pell, who was accused of molesting choir boys … Continue reading

Posted in Case 07 George Pell | 4 Comments

Pell convictions not supported by evidence – now quashed

Andrew L. Urban In its unanimous 7 – 0 decision, the High Court concludes its summary of the decision in the George Pell appeal with an abundance of restraint: “a significant possibility that an innocent person has been convicted because … Continue reading

Posted in Case 07 George Pell | 17 Comments

High Court grants leave for George Pell appeal

The High Court today (Wednesday, November 13, 2019) has granted leave for George Pell to appeal the decision of the Court of Appeal which upheld his conviction in December last year on one charge of sexual penetration with a child … Continue reading

Posted in Case 07 George Pell | 15 Comments

Pell appeal judges reversed onus of proof

In seeking leave to appeal to the High Court, George Pell’s lawyers argue that the approach taken by the majority judges at his appeal ­required Pell to “establish actual innocence”, rather than “merely pointing to doubt”, which was a reversal … Continue reading

Posted in Case 07 George Pell | 6 Comments

Pell Appeal – Weinberg J & other dissenting voices

Andrew L. Urban. George Pell’s appeal against the conviction of child sexual abuse was dismissed by two of the three judges in the Victorian Supreme Court on August 21, 2019. It is a majority decision with which dissenting Justice Weinberg … Continue reading

Posted in Case 07 George Pell | 19 Comments

Pell conviction upheld

Andrew L. Urban. Cardinal George Pell’s conviction of child sexual abuse has been upheld today in a 2-1 decision by the appeal court judges. Chief Justice Anne Ferguson and Court of Appeal President Chris Maxwell dismissed it, while Justice Mark … Continue reading

Posted in Case 07 George Pell | 5 Comments

George Pell appeal: how compelling victim and conflicting facts co-exist

Andrew L. Urban. This appeal underlines the conflict at the heart of many sexual abuse cases: the conflict between a compelling, moving and credible victim on the one hand, and conflicting facts on the other. They can co-exist, with one … Continue reading

Posted in Case 07 George Pell | 10 Comments