Category Archives: Case 05 Derek Bromley

Skeletons in the legal closet – look inside

They are prisoners. But they are wrongfully convicted, as we have shown here and elsewhere, supported by legal argument. They are skeletons in the legal closet; catastrophic failures- – but the legal system seems unable and/or unwilling to admit error … Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser, Case 05 Derek Bromley, Case 11 Robert Xie, Case 13 Robert Farquharson, Case 19 Marco Rusterholz, Case 22 Noel Greenaway | 4 Comments

The Sofronoff Express at Platform ‘Speed’

Andrew L. Urban. The Magna Carta meets the ACT’s legal system on the Sofronoff express in what promises to be a historic and relevant journey into pretty wild legal territory. That territory is strewn with the carcasses of legal reputations, … Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser, Case 05 Derek Bromley, Case 18 Bruce Lehrmann | 4 Comments

Conviction based on fraud, appeal rejections unlawful

Andrew L. Urban. The tone is measured, professional, but the content is explosive, exposing the litany of judicial errors that have contributed to Derek Bromley being stuck in jail for the past 40 years – for a murder conviction that … Continue reading

Posted in Case 05 Derek Bromley | 6 Comments

Respect is earned; so is disrespect, Your Honour

Andrew L. Urban. In a timely warning to his fellow judges, High Court Chief Justice Stephen Gageler has raised concerns that increasing media “attacks” made on individual judges may reflect on the judiciary as a whole, saying judges need to … Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser, Case 05 Derek Bromley, Case 06 'Paul', Case 07 George Pell, Case 11 Robert Xie | 10 Comments

Derek Bromley granted parole after 40 years

Andrew L. Urban  Granting Derek Bromley’s bail application on March 27, 2024, 40 years after his 1984 murder conviction, parole board chair Frances Nelson KC commented: “He continues to maintain his innocence. He’s entitled to do that, it’s not for … Continue reading

Posted in Case 05 Derek Bromley | 29 Comments

Bromley – “extraordinary judgement” but still a way forward

Andrew L. Urban. The High Court’s unexpected decision to refuse Derek Bromley leave to appeal his murder conviction yesterday drew a considered response from Flinders University legal academic Dr Bob Moles … and perhaps a way forward to another appeal.

Posted in Case 05 Derek Bromley | 7 Comments

High Court split decision against Bromley appeal

Andrew L. Urban. In a cruel blow that is bound to raise legal eyebrows, Derek Bromley’s appeal against his conviction for the 1984 murder of Stephen Docoza has failed in a 3:2 decision by the High Court yesterday, rejecting submissions … Continue reading

Posted in Case 05 Derek Bromley | 1 Comment

Will High Court grant Derek Bromley special leave to appeal?

The decision on Derek Bromley’s application seeking leave to appeal to the High Court will be announced on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, seven months after it was put before the court. 

Posted in Case 05 Derek Bromley | 3 Comments

Bromley still in the slow lane of justice

Andrew L. Urban It’s been five years since the South Australian Court of Criminal Appeal refused Derek Bromley leave to appeal his 1984 murder conviction, which leads to his current application to The High Court – which has set aside … Continue reading

Posted in Case 05 Derek Bromley | 15 Comments

Derek Bromley “on the steps of the High Court”

Andrew L. Urban.  On the eve of his 40th year of imprisonment, Derek Bromley “finds himself, figuratively speaking, on the steps of the High Court of Australia for the second time,” writes his long-time friend and supporter ROBYN MILERA on … Continue reading

Posted in Case 05 Derek Bromley | 10 Comments