Category Archives: Case 19 Marco Rusterholz

Skeletons in the legal closet – look inside

They are prisoners. But they are wrongfully convicted, as we have shown here and elsewhere, supported by legal argument. They are skeletons in the legal closet; catastrophic failures- – but the legal system seems unable and/or unwilling to admit error … Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser, Case 05 Derek Bromley, Case 11 Robert Xie, Case 13 Robert Farquharson, Case 19 Marco Rusterholz, Case 22 Noel Greenaway | 4 Comments

The myth of criminal justice in Australia

Marco Rusterholz is serving a 45 year jail sentence in Tasmania for a double murder, a conviction that is demonstrably unsafe. The trial judge, the jury and the appeal judges all failed in their respective duties to deliver justice. 

Posted in Case 19 Marco Rusterholz, General articles | 5 Comments

Marco Rusterholz and the question of doubt

Andrew L. Urban  A comment posted by reader Nick Albu (if that is his real name) raises a number of issues to challenge Marco Rusterholz’s claim of innocence, in the wake of his double 2015 murder conviction and failed appeal … Continue reading

Posted in Case 19 Marco Rusterholz | 11 Comments

Extinguishing reasonable doubt with unreliable allegations

Andrew L. Urban.  The 2015 double murder conviction of Marco Rusterholz presents a significant concern about the Tasmanian criminal justice system, as it extinguishes the requirement for guilt to be established beyond reasonable doubt, relying on questionable allegations.    

Posted in Case 19 Marco Rusterholz | 7 Comments

Did “mistakes and misdirections” prompt Marco Rusterholz murder conviction?

Andrew L. Urban.  It’s one thing for a man convicted of murder to protest the verdict. It’s quite another to painstakingly dissect the trial judge’s summing up, as Marco Rusterholz did, to point out where he thinks “mistakes and misdirections” … Continue reading

Posted in Case 19 Marco Rusterholz | 30 Comments