Category Archives: Case 11 Robert Xie

Skeletons in the legal closet – look inside

They are prisoners. But they are wrongfully convicted, as we have shown here and elsewhere, supported by legal argument. They are skeletons in the legal closet; catastrophic failures- – but the legal system seems unable and/or unwilling to admit error … Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser, Case 05 Derek Bromley, Case 11 Robert Xie, Case 13 Robert Farquharson, Case 19 Marco Rusterholz, Case 22 Noel Greenaway | 4 Comments

Respect is earned; so is disrespect, Your Honour

Andrew L. Urban. In a timely warning to his fellow judges, High Court Chief Justice Stephen Gageler has raised concerns that increasing media “attacks” made on individual judges may reflect on the judiciary as a whole, saying judges need to … Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser, Case 05 Derek Bromley, Case 06 'Paul', Case 07 George Pell, Case 11 Robert Xie | 10 Comments

Remember Robert Xie, another murder by the prosecution

Andrew L. Urban. ANNIVERSARY OF SHAME: On February 4, 2015, nine years ago this weekend, the third trial began of Robert Xie for the brutal murder of five members of his wife’s family. Eleven months later, it became the longest … Continue reading

Posted in Case 11 Robert Xie | 16 Comments

Kathleen Folbigg conviction next under microscope – others on the way

Andrew L. Urban The high profile case of Kathleen Folbigg’s 2003 conviction for the murder of her very young children will be under the microscope again in a second inquiry starting November 14, 2022 (listed for two weeks), with former … Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser, Case 05 Derek Bromley, Case 11 Robert Xie, Case 13 Robert Farquharson, Case 17 Kathleen Folbigg | 15 Comments

Speculation undesirable (and impermissible) prosecutorial tool

Andrew L. Urban Society does not want prosecutors to win convictions in circumstantial cases based on speculation. It is also impermissible. If it weren’t for professional immunity, the practice would cease. 

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser, Case 02 Henry Keogh, Case 11 Robert Xie, General articles | 17 Comments

The executioner of Epping? How the mass media fuelled the Crown’s case v Robert Xie

Andrew L. Urban. The mass media played a crucial role in shaping public opinion against Robert Xie, convicted of viciously murdering five members of his wife’s family in 2009 – wrongfully, we maintain. As with wrongful convictions of the past … Continue reading

Posted in Case 11 Robert Xie | 12 Comments

Could a prosecutor convince a jury of murder without proof?

Andrew L. Urban.  It’s a circumstantial case: a murder has been committed but police can find no primary evidence to identify and charge a suspect. It’s not a ‘Whodunnit?’ game, but the reality in not one but two unique murder … Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser, Case 11 Robert Xie | 12 Comments

Robert Xie murder conviction – “They have no case against Xie” says QC

Andrew L. Urban. Five members of a family brutally murdered – no clues, no weapons, no motive, yet the law chased Robert Xie through four trials and an appeal for over 11 years to get a conviction, ignoring the absurdity … Continue reading

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Robert Xie hounded, wounded, wrongfully convicted

Following our exhaustive, 3-part examination of the case starting on April 23, 2021, now, 10 years after his arrest, we expose the cumulative injustice that was perpetrated on Robert Xie in the wake of a vicious attack that killed almost … Continue reading

Posted in Case 11 Robert Xie | 8 Comments

Robert Xie conviction requires urgent High Court correction – Part 3: evidence matters

Andrew L. Urban, Phillip Chapman  The conviction of Robert Xie for the blood-soaked, savage murder of five members of his wife’s family in 2009 – going against his alibi – took four trials, including the longest trial in NSW legal … Continue reading

Posted in Case 11 Robert Xie | 2 Comments