Category Archives: Case 13 Robert Farquharson

Case against Farquharson far fetched

Andrew L. Urban In The Science of Murder, the 60 Minutes investigation on Sunday June 2, 2024, the science in question was medical science: how new evidence to support Robert Farquharson’s claim of cough syncope as the cause of the … Continue reading

Posted in Case 13 Robert Farquharson | 4 Comments

Skeletons in the legal closet – look inside

They are prisoners. But they are wrongfully convicted, as we have shown here and elsewhere, supported by legal argument. They are skeletons in the legal closet; catastrophic failures- – but the legal system seems unable and/or unwilling to admit error … Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser, Case 05 Derek Bromley, Case 11 Robert Xie, Case 13 Robert Farquharson, Case 19 Marco Rusterholz, Case 22 Noel Greenaway | 4 Comments

Kathleen Folbigg conviction next under microscope – others on the way

Andrew L. Urban The high profile case of Kathleen Folbigg’s 2003 conviction for the murder of her very young children will be under the microscope again in a second inquiry starting November 14, 2022 (listed for two weeks), with former … Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser, Case 05 Derek Bromley, Case 11 Robert Xie, Case 13 Robert Farquharson, Case 17 Kathleen Folbigg | 15 Comments

Robert Farquharson – but did he want to die?

Robert Farquharson was convicted of killing his three little boys by driving them into the dam and letting them drown inside the car. Farquharson insists he blacked out, it was a terrible accident. The prosecution insisted it was deliberate. But, … Continue reading

Posted in Case 13 Robert Farquharson | 4 Comments

Road to Damnation – Excerpt 3 (final) ‘scientific expertise’ ?

Chris Brook’s new book, Road to Damnation, is the result of a two year investigation into the case of Robert Farquharson, and the science of the evidence that convinced two sets of juries that he murdered his three children by … Continue reading

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Road to Damnation – Excerpt 2 ‘An incubator of bias’

Chris Brook’s new book, Road to Damnation, is the result of a two year investigation into the case of Robert Farquharson, and the science of the evidence that convinced two sets of juries that he murdered his three children by … Continue reading

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Road to Damnation Excerpt 1 ‘I blacked out’

Chris Brook’s new book, Road to Damnation, is the result of his two year investigation into the case of Robert Farquharson, and the science of the evidence that convinced two sets of juries that he murdered his three children by … Continue reading

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Road to Damnation follows the science to a wrongful conviction

Andrew L. Urban. In his important new book, Road to Damnation, Chris Brook takes the reader on a gripping journey to the darkest reaches of human experience – the drowning of three children – when it intersects with the law. … Continue reading

Posted in Case 13 Robert Farquharson | 13 Comments