Funds begin to flow for Sue Neill-Fraser campaign – but go-fund-me shuts it down

The Go-Fund-Me page was set up on Wednesday evening at about 8pm; we published the following report at 8:19 on Thursday, December 2, 2021. It was shut down shortly after 9am. We are investigating.

Contributions have started to flow to the Go-Fund-Me crowd funding project established by the Sue Neill-Fraser Support Group in the immediate aftermath of the dismissal of her appeal on November 30, 2021. The project aims to raise money towards a campaign of public information to negate the false narrative built around her by police and the ODPP.  Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 11 Comments

Sue Neill-Fraser appeal judges’ mistaken view

Andrew L. Urban.

In the reasons published by the judges in the Sue Neill-Fraser appeal, they had to have considered “all of the evidence at the trial. This requires consideration of the transcript of the evidence at the trial and also exhibits tendered on the trial, and the view of the scene that was undertaken by the jury on the first day of the trial.” But the jury was never taken on board for a view of  Four Winds Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 24 Comments

Sue Neill-Fraser appeal dismissed 2:1

Andrew L. Urban.

In another judgement (after the trial and the first appeal) that will forever be a stain on Tasmania’s legal system, Sue Neill-Fraser’s latest appeal against her 2010 murder conviction was dismissed by a majority of 2:1 of the appeal judges of the Court of Criminal Appeal, it was announced in the Supreme Court of Tasmania at 9.45am on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, six years after the then new further right to appeal legislation was passed in 2015, introduced by then Attorney-General the late Vanessa Goodwin.  Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 8 Comments

Sue Neill-Fraser appeal decision on Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Andrew L. Urban.

The long awaited decision of the judges in Sue Neill-Fraser’s final appeal against her 2010 murder conviction will be handed down in the Supreme Court of Tasmania at 9.45am on Tuesday, November 30, 2021.  Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 25 Comments

Caught on camera – cameras in court

Andrew L. Urban.

 The recent world famous Kyle Rittenhouse trial was televised, live from the Kenosha Court; had it not been, the malicious misrepresentations of the case which most mass media echoed would have left the public unaware of why the jury acquitted Rittenhouse on five charges, including two of murder. The 2020 mid-protest confrontations were recorded and played in court for all the world to see. But in most cases, without footage of the alleged crime, it is not only the jury but the appeal court that may find it useful to view the court proceedings.  Continue reading

Posted in General articles | 10 Comments

Two out of three Malcolm X murder convictions were wrong

Muhammad A. Aziz and Khalil Islam are innocent of the 1965 murder of Malcolm X – it has now been revealed. The Innocence Project has announced that a joint investigation unearthed new evidence of the men’s innocence, including Federal Bureau of Investigation documents that had been withheld from the defence and prosecution. (News reports)  Continue reading

Posted in General articles | 5 Comments

Telling it like it isn’t to the Sue Neill-Fraser jury

Andrew L. Urban.

An uninformed or misinformed jury can’t be expected to arrive at a safe, reliable verdict that serves justice. Did Sue Neill-Fraser’s jury hear the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? It seemed more like speculation, malicious testimony and witness error. A case of garbage in – garbage out?  Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 13 Comments

The executioner of Epping? How the mass media fuelled the Crown’s case v Robert Xie

Andrew L. Urban.

The mass media played a crucial role in shaping public opinion against Robert Xie, convicted of viciously murdering five members of his wife’s family in 2009 – wrongfully, we maintain. As with wrongful convictions of the past (from Lindy Chamberlain to Gordon Wood), those opinions are based on assumptions, misrepresentations and emotion, not evidence. The mass media failed to cast a critical eye over the case; it still does.  Continue reading

Posted in Case 11 Robert Xie | 12 Comments

Who Killed Bob? The Podcast

Andrew L. Urban.

 A homeless girl’s DNA, a strange grey dinghy, witness misidentification, tunnel vision, no murder weapon, no body, an impossible murder scenario … nothing adds up to a valid murder conviction in the case of Sue Neill-Fraser. Hear all about it … Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 12 Comments

Now it’s cancel forensic science, champion junk

Andrew L. Urban.

“The events surrounding the retraction of a properly peer reviewed journal article point to a forensic science community in Australia that can over-ride scientific publishing processes in order to suppress criticism.” So conclude Chris Brook, Niels Lynoe, Anders Erikson and David Balding, in a scathing paper just published in Forensic Science International, condemning the retraction of a peer reviewed article about Shaken Baby Syndrome that challenges the junk science around the subject that is accepted, yet produces wrongful convictions.  Continue reading

Posted in Shaken Baby Syndrome | 3 Comments