She must be believed?

Andrew L. Urban.

There is a special place in hell for women who do things like Sarah Jane Parkinson (pictured), the Canberra woman jailed for making false accusations of rape and domestic violence against her ex boyfriend Daniel Jones – who ended up in jail before a good cop – a female – found Parkinson out. That place in hell is full of furious feminists whose anti-male campaign is undermined if not destroyed by such women’s malicious actions.  Indeed, Parkinson’s case shows why ‘she’ must NOT be believed – without evidence.

This vicious, dishonest misbehaviour is not a good fit with the #MeToo movement. Parkinson (left) is not alone. Other cases of women lying to destroy lives (not just of the men involved but their entire families) have reached us through our work at and my book Murder by the Prosecution.

One has already been through the courts with a disastrously wrongful conviction & jail time, prompting a lawyer to draft (pro bono) a 70 page deconstruction to show the man’s innocence and the woman’s blatant lying. Another case – involving serious violence resulting in her target man’s lifelong disability – is making its way through the courts. (His disability was not caused by her, just to be clear.)

The man who was jailed reports having met other men in similar situations – having had false allegations against them by women. We might be cynical and shrug, dismissing those prisoners as being sorry to have been caught, but that really would damn us all with ethical blindness. There is no doubt that women are capable of causing life-long damage to males through false allegations. That should be no more tolerated than false allegations about anything.

The sobering revelation in Kate Legge’s excellent article (Web of Lies, The Weekend Australian Magazine, Feb. 2/3, 2019) exploring this case is about the culture in the ACT legal system, as outlined by Daniel’s father, Ian, in a victim impact statement to Magistrate Beth Campbell: Ian made the most of his opportunity to roast police, lawyers and judges for their part in this gross injustice, blaming incompetence and an “anti-male bias” that extended Parkinson “every consideration and courtesy at every single appearance, allowing her to delay, obfuscate and try every trick her legal team could employ” in contrast with the “obscene haste” that wrongly incarcerated a man falsely accused. He and Michelle had encountered an antagonism towards men that unsettled them both.



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22 Responses to She must be believed?

  1. Ministry of Men's Affairs says:

    “This vicious, dishonest misbehaviour is not a good fit with the #MeToo movement.”

    Actually, it’s a very good fit with a movement that promotes mob justice, demands the ridiculous policy of always believing women, demands that an allegation without any corroborating evidence should be more than enough to convict and ruin the life of a man, and supports Court processes that stop a man from being able to defend himself against false allegations. The #meetoo movement is one of vicious, dishonest, misbehaving people.

  2. Margaret Radburn says:

    My son is going through the same ordeal at the moment. We are no match for this sort if person, she came into our lives with a shy smile, conned us all. She is a NSW Police officer. There us no end to her abuse on us. Where do we go!

    • andrew says:

      Detective Leesa Alexander in the ACT police was the one who broke this case. If you can find her she may be able to point you in the right direction.

    • Peter says:

      Hi Margaret

      I would really like to know more as I was a police officer and was accused by a police student, then sadly was incarcerated – still fighting it 20 years later.

  3. John says:

    I have this exact story in my life. I know there must be many of us. I don’t know why I haven’t suicided. I should have I know. Growing old having been branded as scum by everyone who knows me or was once my friend is hard to live with.
    I didn’t have parents like Daniel. They had no resources. I used up all my super and savings and still lost…. there was no detective Sargent saviour in my story.
    I went to prison in maximum too. Rubbing shoulders with murderers and killers beyond comprehension.
    My children raised by a wife who removed me from their lives. Building a narrative about their father the monster. 12 years ago.
    My children don’t contact me, won’t reply me. I’m dead to them. They have well and truly been washed clean of me as their father.
    All this, because I caught my wife locking our little bubba 4yrold outside while she routinely fucked a family “friend”.
    Discovering that scenario was my greatest mistake.
    It emptied and ended my life.
    I was a highly respected schoolteacher and my life ended in a flash.
    I know I must not be the only one. There must be many of us.
    For those who want to think this is bullshit. I can say only one thing. I am 100% the loser and I have no hope of redemption such is the gravity of my loss. I can’t get those years back. I can’t get my life back. It’s gone, and I have utterly, no reason to make up anything. I have lost everything but my life and the story that no doubt will die with me. But I must keep good company with history, as so many gone before have not had justice either.
    Released from prison into a society that measures me as a pure monster. I have no money, no home, no friends bar one who stuck by me thru the long years of disbelief.
    I have nothing left as I come out into a world that doesn’t need truth. It just needs winners and losers. I fully accept I am the loser. I lost because I am male. I lost because I unswervingly believed that truth would win. But I was an innocent in those days. I believed justice actually existed. That stupidity alone is enough to make my failure warranted. I deserved to fail as a father and husband.
    Daniel Jones and his family should not be pitied. He and they are the very lucky ones. I can only dream that I could have been so lucky. They are blessed. They can rebuild. I wish I was them.
    But I’m not so lucky.
    I’m pretty sad that my kids won’t ever know me. That’s a tragedy, but it’s an event my ex wife can never allow.
    I know it won’t happen. I know my time is short anyhow. Coming out and seeing them has kept me going all these years.
    But now I’m out, finding that they want no contact has frayed the last tether I had on life.
    I’m truly lost now.
    I play with the idea of writing a story about what happened and how justice found a home in the darkness of a woman’s welcomed and coddled lies. But I think it’s too painful and for what reason would I write it? I’m having trouble seeing the answer to that one.
    There must be tens of thousands of us losers. It’s good to see Daniel Jones spring free from the pit that exists there for all men.
    At least one of us got through ok. I raise my glass to that. Best wishes

    • Brian says:

      Mate my story is below your on this page. I was never charged but her reckless allegations cover you in a dark shadow…I feel for you..

    • susan says:

      As a woman let me say this… if you falsely accuse someone of a crime, you should be subject to the same level of punishment as that crime carries. You destroy someone’s life (whatever your reason is) by lying about what they did?! And then you get a slap on the wrist for that? There are real victims and real criminals out there. And to the legal system…. what happened to innocent until proven guilty? Do your f*****g job! Actually investigate what happened! I understand not wanting a victim to relive their trauma but you still need to verify facts. As women we do have struggles but men have theirs too. And using our supposed frailty is BS. Feminism doesn’t help women to move forward, just gives us excuses for when things don’t go the way we want.

      • John Spoth says:

        Have a part answer perhaps: if investigation by police results in wrongful conviction, victim gets to choose appropriate level of justice against false accuser(s), police, prosecutors, etc, involved. This should also include public apology by DPP and automatic payment of compo. False accuser should also pay a massive fine. Might get a few less wrongful convictions. Think about it, what’s the downside for them at the moment? Not much. So why would they worry much about getting it wrong?

        Sure, genuine mistakes can get made, but I still think my suggestion would simply get better investigations and outcomes.

    • John Spoth says:

      John, don’t give up! I think are more such stories than we’d all know of. I think you’re right about that it seems set against one for just being male! We’re not all b@$t@rds! Thankfully, not all women are that mean either, but enough to be devastating. Too many politicians are running with the current line of men always being bad because of the hype made of some bad men (who really are bad & should be severely punished), and believing that this is justified. Women can be just as bad as men, just not as often as deadly it seems. Damage is not always physical, but only the physical damage is counted.

    • Matt says:

      I have no words John; well, none that seem adequate anyway. What you have been subjected to is the depth of hell in terms of human experience, and the monster that sent you there the very epitome of evil. Sadly, you are undoubtedly right; there are thousands of men like you…and that’s just in Australia. You are right, once again, that Daniel Jones is one of the lucky ones. God speed.

    • Carol Bennett says:

      I can not get my head around why women do this to men. As a woman I am embarrassed that other women can falsely accuse men of despicable acts. There has to be some form of justice for anyone who is wrongly accused when their families and lives are destroyed.

    • Jean says:

      When we focus on others we lose sight of our self.
      Recognise when you are going down that rabbit hole.
      Be mindful of redherrings, puffery, and untruths.
      If I said “You are stupid!” that would be psychological abuse ie Family violence ( a crime, even said just once).
      Refrase (if you want) “What makes you believe I am stupid?” Now the person has to stop and think instead of reacting with emotion.
      Don’t concern your self with friends, and family who want to believe lies they are free to believe what they want, and they are doing you a favour by showing you who they are (know who are true friends than only fair weather friends). Move on to better things than waste your time on individuals who do not care. Use this life lesson to learn about yourself, and see if there are areas in your life whereby you can be a more respectful human being to both yourself, and others.
      Psychological abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, social abuse, financial abuse are crimes In New Zealand : Family violence act 2018

      Beliefs are a right, BUT when someone makes an allegation of FACT criminally in NZ they or the police must prove BEYOND a REASONABLE DOUBT, in a civil claim the standard is on the balance of probabilities
      Unintentional tort must satisfy three conditions to be considered as such: the defendant caused the injuries, the defendant failed to provide the standard of care of a reasonable person, and that the defendant owed the plaintiff an obligation to avoid careless action.
      Understanding Tort Law
      Tort law requires those who are found to be at fault for harming others to compensate the victims. Typical harms include the loss of past or future income, payment of medical expenses, payment for pain and suffering, and may also include additional punitive damages that are meant to punish the plaintiff in excess of full compensation.

  4. Brian says:

    My ex wife has accused me of stalking, sexual assault, rape, domestic violence,
    She told her family and my friends this all via the phone, she wrote letters to my 85 yr old mother accusing me of all sorts, and last year, after a separation time of 25 yrs she accused me of raping our son, I was flabbergasted to say the least, I went to the police, they confirmed she had made the complaint, my local Sargent took statements from myself and my current wife ..he came back and said I had nothing to worry about they realised it was a fabricated story. She was never charged because she made these complaints from another country, she wanted to see me in jail or to go bankrupt defending the charges. I’m sure there’s hundreds more out there like me.
    But what this does to is takes valuable time and resources from an already stretched police force trying to catch the real predators..
    Just as a note she had an affair at work and left me, my life has turned out better than even I could have expected, hers not so much .. karma

    • John Spoth says:

      I also wonder how much of the oft quoted statistics of sex offenses include these sorts of cases, making males always look the bad guys and women always as the ‘damsels in distress’, even if they’re made up!

      Wish also more men (& good women) would speak out more against the rise of spurious claims made against men. It doesn’t help the cause of women who are genuinely victims, nor of the men who are targeted by a few unbalanced women.

      The whole system does seem to be sexistly biased against men if a woman makes a claim against them. Even if the case is found to be spurious or unfounded, the mud sticks. More of our (in)justice system in action!

      • John Spoth says:

        Recent cases in point: John Jarrett, perhaps also Geoffrey Rush and even Cliff Richard.

        They’ve all been cleared, but had their names muddied by faceless ‘victims’ who seem to get away with it. I think they should be held to account and investigated for making willfully false claims, and punished if found guilty, as well as sued for damages. Might get a few to stop and think.

        As it stands, there’s little downside for making such claims and much to gain if successful. Even in Michael Jackson’s case, there seems and element of trying it on to see if they can win (why not, he’s loaded and already smudged).

        Equally, sloppy or willfully bad investigations should not go unpunished nor uncompensated for.

        Finally, as Jarrett & Cliff Richard are calling for, alleged offenders should have their names suppressed until proven guilty, as is the case for most ‘victims’ already.

  5. Gruntle Massey says:

    Do men have the same power to destroy women this way? Or is the Austrlian legal system simply biased in favour of women? Sounds like the Criminal Courts base their modus operandi on how the Family Court operates – believe the female, and crucify the male.

    • John Spoth says:

      No idea, but wait and see if someone tries it, see how far they’d get. Does seem stacked against males at the moment, don’t think it helps the ‘gender war’ that many are still waging out there (always need new targets to justify their stance). Wonder if it’s a little of why male suicide is so high, as well as the growing number of men upset with Family Courts. The stances pushed by the ABC are not helpful either, always pushing the females always being victims, males always being perpetrators line. They seem to confuse death rates with victimhood, not all victims are killed, they’re simply degraded in public! Also, wonder how many men are violently killed! Never mentioned on our ABC!

  6. Geraldine Allan says:

    *correction to above post
    unsurprising should read “surprise” — is of no surprise to me.
    Too many thoughts & posts today, methinks

  7. Geraldine Allan says:

    This is not the first case of false allegations, and annoyingly probably won’t be the last. That police and prosecutors are aware of the possibility and even probability of falsity yet at times turn a blind eye is wicked. Ethical impropriety is my terminology.

    Having direct evidence of one such case in Tasmania, it alarms me yet is of no unsurprising that some of the ‘players’ in the SN-F investigation and S/Court trial had key roles in the matter to which I refer.

    I have more to say on this in later times; sitting and watching-on for now.

    • Denise Summers says:

      I was very shocked and angered when I saw this story on 60 Minutes. The advertisement of it drew me to it initially as I recognised some similarities with my brother’s case. With what happened to Daniel Jones and his family, my brother was relatively lucky by comparison. However, he and my family went through a rather trying time also because of my brother’s ex. “Every” person deserves to be seen as innocent until proven guilty! What on earth is wrong with our justice system?

    • John Spoth says:

      Seems to be self serving: police & prosecutors are living up to expectations of producing convictions (perhaps to justify their own existence). It’s sad that the system seems set to find guilt rather innocence.

  8. Williamb says:

    Removed; off topic

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