Sara Jane Parkinson’s crooked cop husband evades justice again

BETTINA ARNDT’s update on the infamous Sarah Jane Parkinson case of false rape accusations, and its ongoing damage. 

Sarah Jane Parkinson was sent to prison after making false rape and violence accusations against her ex-fiance, Dan Jones (as we reported). The whole story is featured on Mothers of Sons, as Dan’s mother, Michelle explains the terrible damage caused to their family.

Despite the best efforts of the Jones family and many of my followers to lobby the ACT parole board, Parkinson was released after serving the minimum non parole period of just over 2 years. She is currently living with her suspended NSW police officer husband, Scott John White, in the Wollongong area and has changed her name to Sarah Jane White.

This has given her plenty of time to collude with Scott White who was facing a trial for perjury last week, on the 28th of June. The hearing was put off due to the Covid lockdowns and now the case looks likely to be heard in November.

White was charged with two counts of perjury some six months after Parkinson’s sentencing in 2019 – charges relating to his testimony at her trial in 2015. He stated that he had not assisted Parkinson to write her “statements” but there is undeniable evidence that he did coach her. White was inextricably involved right from the outset in helping Parkinson concoct her villainous allegations against Dan Jones. It was the discovery of their affair that led Jones to break off his engagement with Parkinson, and White and his other crooked cop mates were right in there, helping Parkinson try to destroy Jones and his family.

At the hearing last week, White’s legal representative approached the DPP and stated his client was willing to plead guilty to a lesser charge that did not involve jail time – an intriguing twist after endless adjournments of the matter over the last two years.

The Jones family is nervous that White plans to wriggle out of the serious charges he is facing and have expressed concern to the DPP. Their strong preference is that the DPP reject his “offer” and proceed to trial later this year so that White and Parkinson are put on the stand. Parkinson has never faced cross-examination, even at her own trial. Additionally, the evidence of other NSW police listed as witnesses could lead to additional charges.

The Jones family would love concerned readers to contact the ACT Attorney General Shane Rattenbury – – and put pressure on the DPP not to accede to White’s wishes. It’s very important these people are aware of community concern about the Jones case which has exposed bias and incompetence in the ACT justice system.

After two years, AFP Professional Standards in Melbourne still claims to be “investigating” the behaviour of police in the case – with absolutely no results to date. The Jones’ legal team continues their efforts to seek compensation but progress is extremely slow. And ACT authorities have endlessly sidestepped responsibility, avoiding the issue of an ex-gratia payment for the family as compensation for Dan Jones’ wrongful imprisonment. The saga continues.

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94 Responses to Sara Jane Parkinson’s crooked cop husband evades justice again

  1. Frank R. says:

    What a wench of a witch , a predator at best I hope that Daniel and his parents get every penny and property lost as well as sarah the wench pay compensation all of her life. Police should be sued or the city . And the judge fired for failure to serve and protect . Australia has a disturbing judicial corrupt system no different what the USA practices from time to time . “Predators in every level”

  2. Mike Stewart says:

    Why did this vile excuse for a human being get off so lightly, dan could have faced 20 years in prison but was totally innocent, the police in this case were pathetic believing this vile womans lies, with one exception the female officer assigned to the case , Its time where crime is concerned that women face the exact same punishment that men receive but they always get treated lightly, how many men are innocent in prison right now because of a womans lies. Two years for the lies and deceite that destroyed a family is a bloody joke that is not justice

    • Sharon says:

      That’s it, until these vile lying scum get put away for the same amount of time their victims would have been put away for, thousands more men will fall victim the the Sarah Jane Parkinson sorts!

    • Carol Watson says:

      Hi are you from Australia? The reason I’m asking is do they have a Go Fund me page over there. I’ve just watched the video on YouTube tonight and as a woman, mother and grandmother I’m sick to my stomach of the things she’s done to that poor lovely family. She should have got at least 20 years

    • C Johnstone says:

      I thought the British legal system was broken, but having watching True Crime on the despicable crimes Parkinson committed on a beautiful family she deserves a death penalty

  3. Krist says:

    I feel for this family, probably more than most. Our family are going through a similar situation in Queensland and need someone as honourable as the amazing Leesa Alexander.. It goes to show the legal system is broken all over Australia sadly with no help for good honest Australian’s

    • D Carm says:

      This is sadly another pandemic facing ppl all over. A girl accused my nephew of rape after threatening him that if he ever broke it off with her she would do must that. He broke up with her because of her escalating needy behaviour( long story) she did just that.
      The police dont investigate anything.
      Women have to be believed i guess which opens the door to these fake victims to weaponise this situation.
      I hope more police are trained to investigate these claims BEFORE they charge men.

      • Carol Watson says:

        I totally agree with you. One of the most common reasons women don’t report rape is because they think no one will believe them. Then you get b*****ds like her actually lying about it!! Hope things work out for you x

  4. Vin says:

    I really feel empathy for the victims of this scumbag Parkinson/White and the corrupt cops who aided her in her crimes. It is happening here in Victoria too as I know from first hand personal experience.

    In Victoria, my mate Vic was imprisoned from 2016 -2022 on the single, false testimony of one person, a teenage girl who claimed he had sex with her under age. There was no physical evidence, no admissions, no other evidence whatsoever, just the false testimony of this girl.
    In 2019, I read a transcript of a 2012 interview between this girl and her then counsellor, which transcript was an exhibit attached to Victor’s 2019 affidavit (long after his initial trial). There is no mention by this girl in the transcript of Vic doing anything to her. Yet he was charged 12 months later (in 2013), when she made allegations to Victoria Police against Vic, claiming the alleged event took place on a date (before the 2012 interview with the counsellor). I asked Vic if his lawyers included this transcript with other evidence submitted to court for the County Court trial. He told me his lawyers refused to present it to court, yet it is exculpatory evidence! This has the strong appearance of corrupted defence lawyers conniving to get their own client convicted for so far undisclosed motives.

    While in prison, Vic showed me 3 letters he had received (at different times) from the girl apologising for lying to the court. She wrote that her parents forced her to make up the allegations cos they wanted his money (at the time, Vic was a self made man and well off financially and owned property). The last of these 3 letters from the girl was actually delivered in person to Vic (while he was in prison) by a member of the Victoria Police with advice to show it to his lawyers. In one of the letters, the girl claimed she can get police to do what she wants by letting one particular male officer feel her up inside her panties. Sounds like the Sarah Parkinson/Sarah White situation all over again!

    Vic came out of prison in June 2022 (though I am not certain on the circumstances – end of sentence or released pending a new trial, or other). His new lawyers have involved a little known section of the media who specialise in investigating wrongful convictions. These journalists have spent several full days in Nov/Dec 2022 with Vic preparing for their book (soon to be published) that they are currently writing – on the failure of justice for Vic. Victoria Police are currently investigating the girl and her lies to court, and have conducted several interviews with Vic in Nov/Dec 2022 concerning the girl. The girl went into hiding several weeks ago but was discovered by Victoria Police who arrested her shortly before Christmas for breaching an intervention order taken out against her (IVO initiated by Vic at Victoria Police suggestion). The girl had attempted to contact Vic after she had been served with the IVO breaching one of the conditions.

    For examples of how rotten the Victorian legal system is (blatant and deliberate judicial misconduct) and the Victorian Parliament’s part in the rot. I offer the following:
    From the VIC Parliament, – check out s164 (4) and (5) of the Evidence Act (VIC) amended with these sections by VIC Parliament in 2014. These sections are so unfair to an accused, and the VIC parliament knows it is unfair. So much so that at the lower part of the same page it states the NSW and Commonwealth Evidence Acts do not have similar sections. Any lawyer worth his salt can easily explain to you how unfair these sections are if it is not immediately apparent. These two 164 subsections are leading to false imprisonments of innocent people in Victoria and likely were a contributory, possibly a significant, factor in the false conviction of Cardinal Pell.

    The Jury Directions Act VIC also has sections which are part of the rot, prohibits a judge from giving a jury a Longman warning and other directions which were instigated by the High Court of Australia for judges to convey to juries to reduce the risk of a miscarriage of justice!
    I myself was falsely convicted of similar but lesser charges (than those Vic has suffered) and spent 3 1/2 years in prison. This is how I met Vic. We have become close friends. I was subjected to a trial so unfair, and my barrister was clearly frightened of the VIC county court judge conducting my trial, that I withdrew instructions before arraignment due to no confidence in my barrister to fight for my right to a fair trial, and, he refused my instruction to ask the judge to disqualify himself on the ground of appearance of bias. I then advised the judge I would no longer participate in his trial due to it being so blatantly unfair. Prior to withdrawal of instructions, at one stage, the judge was yelling at me and I had to ask him, twice, to speak to me in a civil manner (this is in the transcript). I took almost no part in the trial and did not offer a defence – and sat the trial out.

    In prison, I read a court judgment – Tomasevic v Travaglini 2007 VSC, by Justice Bell, then a judge of the VIC Supreme Court. at para 139 he made it clear that when a judge fails to carry out his duty to conduct a fair trial, he loses jurisdiction to hear and decide the case. This includes loss of jurisdiction not only to continue with the trial but to convict and also to imprison. The unfair trial forced upon me resulted in false imprisonment of myself by a judge who clearly not only had the appearance of bias but made so many errors, always giving the prosecution an unfair advantage, that there are scores of examples to establish actual biased against me. I have counted 26 different types of errors so far with most types having several instances. One example, s357 of the Criminal Procedure Act VIC – judge in my trial ignored his non discretionary duty to order protected witnesses be cross examined by a Legal Aid funded barrister with or without my input. No cross examination took place of the complainant and the two other protected ‘witnesses’.

    I have lost all faith in the Victorian legal system but continue to fight for my innocence to be upheld. Like Vic, I was imprisoned on the single verbal evidence of one person. No other evidence what so ever (except for very vague hearsay testimony from three other so called witnesses who could provide nothing to support any of the several elements of the charges). But this is a saga for another day.

    There is so much more to write about but if I continue relaying my experiences (and those of other prisoners who told me their stories) this may become a book! Thank you for taking the time to read this; and I apologise for the length of this contribution.

    • andrew says:

      Thank you for the detail. I am sorry to say that I am neither shocked nor surprised by your story; it’s like an echo of other instances of miscarriage of justice. But that doesn’t make it any less outrageous and concerning. Let’s hope that Victorians will take note and take care in their dealings with the dangerous system of criminal justice that has come adrift from the tetherings of the rule of law.

      • Judith King says:

        They must get compensation for legal losses plus physical and psychological pain. From Wilkinson/ AFP / local police corruption.

  5. Nicola says:

    I agree with William harich, but don’t lose faith in the justice system because of a few bad pennies. The authorities should get their fingers out and compensate Dan & his family.Nicky uk

  6. Margie says:

    Poor family really is horrible what they went through being put in a Max prison why has this not been investigated properly? The AFP and police are incompetent. This family must be COMPENSATED its the right thing to do. Stop protecting the 2 people who need to get the wrath of AUSTRALIA LAW PROPERLY!!!!

    • Bill Eal says:

      And the police wonder why they are so hated and disrespected. I know if this were to happen to me, you can bet there would be physical and financial recourse for their lies.

  7. Jane M Mason says:

    After seeing the 60 Minutes report, I had to look up what’s happening now.

    I’ve emailed using the link, urging a prosecution of this case.

    Then follow up and do the right thing: compensate the Jones family.

    • Victor says:

      I just watched the same 60 Minutes piece and it was more than heartbreaking! They should get compensation. Reading more on her story, Mrs. Jones can’t even afford to retire now. She still has to work and her family is all broken. And now the pathological lying and conniving scum of a woman is already out of prison!

      • Rainy says:

        She is disgusting!! She should be locked up for the rest of her pathetic life for what she did to this family. The law needs to change. And give this family compensation! She should work hard to the day she expire to pay this family off! What a horrible dog she is. Thank God that we have such a good person like Det. Alexander to get them job done, and exposed this horrible monster for what she is.

      • Carol Watson says:

        Me too. I’m in Scotland and I was wondering if there’s a Go Fund me page up and running?

        • Cris Vanegas says:

          Yes Carol. Here is the link to the Go Fund me for this family.

          I also watched the 60 minutes investigation two days ago. I was shocked by the horrors this poor family had to endured because these psychopaths decided to ruin their lives, also horrified on how the system failed to financially compensate them after so much suffering.
          The Go Fund has been running for a long time now, but the amount it has raised is quite small.
          I contributed with some money, I know is not much, but at least to show support to this family

  8. Tony says:

    Dective Alexander is a Hero in my book, the type of person we need in Law Enforcment. Honest, Intelligent and Hardworking she saw through Parkinson pretty quickly which begs the question what kind of muppets investigated the case in the first place. The fact that Parkinson had form for this 10 years previously only makes their ineptitude worse. Assaults on women especially of the sexual nature is a heinous crime and perpetrators should feel the full weight of the law but only when the evidence to convict is robust. He said she said is not evidence and in no way a proper way to prosecute people.

    • Roxanne says:

      Wow only two years for lying and destroying this family smh disgusting.

      • Anne Gaston says:

        In my opinion she should have been placed in a psychiatric unit permanently as she has proven to be a real danger to society. Her sentence is a joke.

        • Adrienne Lee Farrelly says:

          She has some form of mental condition like BPD, NPD, Sociopathy, Psycopathy etc. All of these are near impossible to treat because they don’t believe there’s anything wrong with them. She’ll need to be on some form of “watch list” for rest of her life, similar to sex assault registers.

          • Sully says:

            I wholeheartedly agree with you and I was surprised no one seems to have taken up your suggestion about some kind of register. Unfortunately there seems to be no social stigma attached to being found a liar where there is a massive stigma attached to anything sexual even in cases where there is no obvious victim. The Jones family will never fully recover but they need to be compensated for all material and psychological suffering.

  9. William Harich says:

    The real crime here has been committed by the AFP, DPP and the ACT Police, why are they so unaccountable ? their lack of correct procedures has ruined many lives and continue to do so, fancy just suspending an officer WITH PAY, what a joke. No wonder we have lost faith in our police and so called legal system.

    Dan and his family MUST be compensated by the AFP, DPP and ACT Police.

    • Ron Watson says:

      Agreed, the entire Australian police force has lost credibility over their inability to deal with this injustice. They should have overcompensated the family and fired all employees involved. At least that would send a clear message of apology which might repair the public’s opinion of them. But I doubt that will ever happen.

    • David Dickinson says:

      similar thing happened to my brother in Adelade SA , Brothers Lawyer smelt a rat so hired a PI and he fortunately found the Police case officer was in fact the girls boyfriend and they set it all up for he victim compensation. Police buried it and my brother lost his job and had to move away, as the stigma stayed with him despite him being innocent!

      • Heinrich says:

        Give us some names – that is your obligation – this puerile police behaviour has to be stopped – what type of second rater joins those putrid outfits ?

  10. Josh C says:

    Dan Jones compensation, and the need to further enforce penalty for serial false accusers. Is important for the wider society, this case is generating distrust not only for the police on sexual assault matters but is also devaluing sexual assault allegations, which has serious consequences when the system is trying to support actual sexual assault victims.

  11. John Lummis says:

    I am a former UK Police officer.
    As much as I am appalled by Sarah Jane Parkinson ,I am more appalled by the actions of all the Police services and the prosecution system.
    There seems to be a high level of collusion in the Police agencies and prosecutors that resulted in the persecution of the Jones family,
    Dan Jones went to prison, it seems on the word of SJP , with , it appears no investigation and no evidence , how can this be.
    ALL the officers and prosecutors with any involvement in this case should be suspended until an investigation into all their activities has been completed.
    That investigation should be conducted by someone with the authority to interview all those involved, irrespective of rank or position.
    I believe that person should be Leesa Alexander, give her the authority to even investigate people of a higher rank than her, or promote her to the rank required to investigate and interrogate those involved.
    She knows the case and has the trust of the family which is very important, because they know she will be very thorough and leave no stone unturned.
    She would not be intimidated by the officers she is investigating and the officers would know that too.
    Officer white should go through the due process of law which include charges of conspiracy with SJP to convict Dan Jones and harassment of the Jones family.
    The Austrailian Government should compensate the Jones family for all their losses, not just the 600k it cost to get Dan released but the damage ultimately caused to the Jones’s.
    I am extremely saddened by the fact that Dan’s Mum and Dad are now divorced, only because of this case , they are both good people .
    The Government are there to protect and serve good law abiding citizens , not break them , if the systems failures break people ,then these people must be compensated for the failure to protect and serve.

    • Christopher says:

      The ACT has been under a left wing cartel government for 20 years plus.

      Sexual deviancies and the LGBTABCD’S of this world are openly encouraged.

      The designated villain in Canberran society is the caucausian male, especially if they do not espouse to far left tendencies.

      This case is not even known by most people in the ACT.

      Even if it was, I saw a response from one of the other commenters where a so called “Women’s Right Activist” thinks that exposing a harsh reality like this is damaging to the credibility of “their” movement, and should thus be redacted from the public.

      How the hell can people be illuminated by truth with a piss ant philosophy like that?

    • Maz Sterry says:

      There should be the equivalent of the UK system, the IOPC or Independenet Office of Police conduct. As a totally independent body, not part of the police or government, they investigate and make decisions on serious and sensitive cases, including where police action may have led to death or serious injury. I believe the Jones have suffered’serious injury’ throughout this debale and should also be rightly compensated. As for the two perpetrators, their callous actions are being rewarded by the ineptitude of their sentencing, rubbing salt further into the wounds of the jones family. I hope they find peace from this nightmare soon.

  12. Trish Marchese says:

    Please! Someone help these people. Please show us that our justice system can say that “we got it wrong”. I have never heard of such an injustice. They just want Justice. Give them back some of their dignity. Take away some of the anger. They deserve more. What happened to Victims of Crime. I can’t imagine what they have gone through or still going through. I don’t usually have a say on Facebook but this really made me fear for our justice system.

  13. Stephanie W says:

    This is a horrific case involving a loving, decent, law-abiding family running into a purely evil woman. I feel so, so badly for everything they suffered for years.

    Sarah Jane White needs to be back in jail. She’s evil personified. She could have had a loving family and new home, but that wasn’t enough for her. She wanted it all and would lie and lie until she got it. But, to thoroughly ruin her ex-fiancee’s family was going beyond the pale.

    This family needs immediate restitution of all that they lost monetarily. Their mental anguish will never, ever go away.

    The police who allowed this to happen need to be on trail…they’re disgusting.

    • Mauricio P says:

      Couldn’t have said it better myself.

    • Ron Watson says:

      Jessica is of course guilty, but quite honestly she’s more deranged than anything else. The 60 minute segment mentioned something about her wanting the money but I don’t believe that to be true. I think that she just wanted to play victim because the attention was first rate. Remember the guy that she accused of sexual abuse several years before, it had nothing to do with money all she got out of it was attention as she pulled the victim card. You and I can not understand that logic, but it is a real motive for these lies. The real criminals here are the police force, Jessica is just mentally deprived.

  14. Nola Scheele says:

    Scott White is due in ACT court on the 17th of Feb because he helped Sarah Jane-Parkinson convict her fiance Mr Jones. If justice is really served he will be found GUILTY.

    • Kevin says:

      Albeit what happened to Dan Jones was horrible, he was never tried; indeed, his criminal case was dismissed.

      • Frances Marino says:

        How can you say that? He lost his job, home, and reputation. His family was torn to the point his parents divorced. The financial loss is catastrophic. SJP and her crooked cronies need to be held financially accountable.

  15. Gigee says:

    I happened upon this too..a mother of two boys I constantly warn them that there are some women who are predators and they can change and destroy your life as I have seen on two occasions with a few people I know….as a woman…I feel she is disgusting and should do 50 years in prison with little chance of parole! The women who have fought, and who have had courage to change their lives and work to help others of REAL domestic violence should be outraged…but when I brought this up to a woman who is a ‘women’s adovacate’ she said that if they did that then other woman would be afraid to come forward…which is an ignorant, self-serving comment…NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT to destroy, damage or falsely accuse ANYONE..the Austrailian government should do the right thing and take away White’s pension if any and should settle with the Jones family out of court for damages…the police should be sued for millions for the actual damages done to this family….as a woman I am furious that these types of women are allowed to exist in society basically unchallenged. She WILL strike again!

    • Peggy Bartley says:

      As sad as it is, you’re right to keep your boys informed. There are women out there who’ll abuse the kindness and sympathy of others for their own selfish gain, no matter who it drags down. Sara even lied and told police that Dan was raping and molesting his own daughters, so she had no shame whatsoever. She hurt a lot of people, for the simplest reason that she was bored with Dan. As important as it is that we believe women when they come forward with allegations, we must also consider the facts and evidence of the case. Sara’s story was fishy from the start. The idea that he had time to pin her against a wall while also unwrapping a condom was silly enough, but the photos of himself with his nephew should have tipped off police anyway to the idea that maybe Sara’s story needed to be examined more closely. If Sara were lying because she was mentally ill or something, maybe I’d feel more forgiveness towards her, but she was manipulative and shallow, and her lack of empathy is perhaps even more disturbing than her false accusations. She gets to live a comfortable life now under a new identity, while Dan and his family will have to live with what she did for the rest of their lives.

    • Nyse says:

      I agree, the entire “cop-out” that prosecuting someone who has intentionally made false allegations WILL NOT harm TRUE victims. A true victim is not going to plead guilty to writing false statements and allegations, a victim is not going to do the things that Sarah did, and for the justice system to even imply this SHOWS that they are corrupt. Thos woman admitted to falsely accusing this poor man and destroying his life and the lives of his family members and should be charged and sentenced as the CRIMINAL SHE IS.

  16. Dale Poniewaz says:

    Rejected for legal reasons

  17. Dale Poniewaz says:

    Rejected for legal reasons

  18. Di says:

    Sarah Jane Parkinson must be psychotic! The whole world should be afraid of her … I hope anyone coming in contact with her, or living anywhere near her, avoid her at all costs. My heart aches for the beautiful Jones family, and I was so devasted to learn that the parents ended up divorcing – all because of this evil person! Sarah should NEVER have been released early back into society; she is a dangerous, deranged person!

    • Rob says:

      The system is flawed ,
      The DPP is just as corrupt as she is .. why isn’t she still in jail ? Why is her partner an ex cop not in jail ? Why hasn’t those families been compensated ? Why .. ???
      Multi million dollar lawsuit they are trying to manage
      Keeping an eye on Sarah Jane Parkinson now Sarah Jane white apparently

  19. Kasper says:

    She does not wanna come to Denmark… let me just put it like that.

  20. Prince Briones says:

    I saw a 60 minutes minutes episode about this on YouTube and I’m shocked on how the hell she can get away with not just destroying 1 but 2 innocent families. 3 years in prison was way too lenient imo. I’m not even from Australia and I’m filled with so much anger I had to google what had happened to this case, the results disappoints me even further and I’m deeply saddened that the Jones’ family has not yet gotten their justice.

    • Rose says:

      I just watched this episode on YouTube, too, and feel so frustrated that this horrible woman is not paying the price for destroying that innocent family and others. Where is the justice?

      • Peter Chen says:

        I don’t understand why Dan was sent to prison, wrongfully, for a period of time much longer than Sarah Jones Parkingson who had been confirmed by Leesa Alexander to be a serial liar and obvious abuser of the system ?

        • Thomas says:

          It’s a corrupt double standard. Perjury is minor to rape, robbery, or murder.

          I believe if someone falsely accuses someone that they should serve them same person sentence that they tried to falsely convict the person of.

  21. David Godfrey says:

    This is an absolute disgrace. The ACT police service is not acting in the public interest. How can an organization like the AFP and ACT police fail to form views based on evidence? Where’s the medical evidence to support claim of rape? Then the conflict of interest of failing to declare a relationship with officer White? How hard can it be??

    The jones family spent 600 k to defend against these lies with assistance from a corrupt police officer. How can the public have any faith in the DPP, AFP or ACT police.

    Allegations are not evidence and yet the police form views before the evidence is fully assessed. Surely investigations are completed first and a view formed based on evidence, not the other way around! How can a system fail so badly?

    A full enquiry into this case should be held and heads should roll. Full compensation should be paid to Jones family for all the pain and suffering they have endured. I feel ashamed to be Australian when I read this horror case.

    • Rob says:

      We should set up a go fund ..
      we need to make this right .. a civil action needs to be taken out against her ..
      Sarah Jane .. we are as a community coming after you

  22. pissed off person says:

    the legal system isn’t it. clearly he was wrongfully accused the family should get back everything they spent PLUS the guy should get 5 months worth of work money he missed out on due to being in prison

  23. Having seen Dan Jones in Perth WA in the last year, I’m intrigued and interested. I have written to the Minister ACT. The ACT Police are corrupt. I experienced that during 2013. Remarkable is that one of my daughter’s is Claiming to have married a Mr White. Whilst she left her Mum homeless, living out of a Vehicle. From 2007 to 2021. I “the Mother” was trying to get resolve in the Federal Family Court at ACT. They called the police. I’d been talking to the Queanbeyan NSW Police SGT Paul Bartiso. I think that’s his name. I’d been swindled, out of a house, money , kids and Possessions. I knew nothing about Mr Dan Jones until 60 minutes published “His” story. I was overseas in New Zealand when two Circuit family court registrars swindled me out of Real Estate, during 2011. I came back to Australia to resolve the matter, and found that Red Brick Walls, went up. I remain homeless. I went to AFP recruitment evenings, in Canberra ACT. In the hope that I could join up to fight Corruption & Illicit drugs. Then Dan Jones Story was published. Sarah Jessica Parkinson, was a cunning little minx, but so are the West Australian Police too. The Courts, Lawyers and Registrars. The three that Swindled me, have remarkable links to two NSW Missing Persons Case’s. I hope Dan Jones reads my comments.

    • Rebecca J Velayas says:

      This story saddens my heart. For this woman to falsely accuse this man of such allegations is appalling. I am a firm believer that people that falsely accuse should be tried for this crime and sentenced based on the damage caused by these false allegations. The fact that she is still with her lover says alot about him. I am glad to see he is no longer an officer of the law. It will be interesting to see what happens between them in the future.
      I am not from Australia and am not witness to the corruption in law enforcement there but assume that it is the same as most places today. I don’t understand what is so difficult in making a decision to compensate the Jones for their losses over these false allegations. It is evident that he was falsely accused and imprisoned. It seems to me that this is a no brainers. This family was destroyed by this woman and her lover, which was an investigating officer in this case. It also seems that he was a part of her lies.
      I hope that ultimately this family receive the justice they deserve and I hope the same for the White’s. No one should be allowed to destroy another human being with lies.
      Hopefully, the people that have the power to make this happen do so. The Jones family deserve justice.

      • Ely Gabriel Powell says:

        God bless you young lady, if there were more women like you in the world there would be much less unwarranted hatred towards men. I was In awe when I saw how the women in Ukraine absolutely adore their men especially those who defend them, it actually brought tears to my eyes. In America and the West we men could never expect to be so appreciated for dying while protecting the country. If war ever comes to US soil, I will NOT risk my life for any woman or child and there are thousands of young men who feel exactly the same.

  24. Louise says:

    This is horrendous and thank God for the amazing female detective who discovered this womans lies. What happened to this family is appalling, disgusting and they must be compensated. I had a similar thing happen to me – my ex partner tried to kill me repeatedly punching me in the head and then bashing my head repeatedly against a brick wall. I was a petite five foot two woman and he was significantly larger and stronger. I went to police but they failed me badly, not even making a report even though I was black and blue with major head contusions. He ran to police and told them I was a lying nutter who was trying to destroy his life and that I’d bitten his hand for no reason. I had bitten his hand in self defence but he had no injury, not a mark. When police asked me about this I admitted I’d bitten his hand in self defence when he was trying to kill me. I was charged! I’d never had so much as a speeding ticket before and was a hard working successful professional woman. I was dragged through the court like a common criminal. I was severely harassed and assaulted by police. I lost my beautiful home and my life spiralled out of control. I have never recovered, I lost everything. He was never charged despite all my obvious injuries. NSW Police believed his lies and were extremely bias against me. NSW Police destroyed my life.

    • Wow, Similar story to mine. Attacked, Swindled, arrested, charged, told to “Play the Game”. Lost contact with the kids, whom I believe are involved in Gang Crime and Police Corruption from QLD to Tasmania to NSW to Western Australia. Yeah, I’m also apparently Insane, and even though I’ve been battered, bruised and insulted. With witnesses, present WA Police have never taken either Male’s to Court. On assualt Charges. But the WA Police have arrested me, instead. Doing quite a lot of VICTIM BLAMING. They turn, tide. I’ve since seen the house’s, they are all using to ABUSE MY RIGHTS. Illicit drugs and Alcohol Abuses, are a dreadful Horrorbillis 16 Years. What a wreck. But the Australian Government continues to pander to them, the true offenders.

  25. Gina says:

    You should have to pay this family some money for at the very least NOT DOING YOUR JOB. If any I MEAN ANY EFFORT would have been made to verify the claims falsely made against mr Jones they would have been found to be lies from the start.The work that miss Alexander did that ultimately led to the accuser admitting she had fabricated the entire story should have been done 6 YEARS PRIOR and the jones family’s,not to mention plenty of money on your end from being COMPLETELY WASTED.4 months in a SUPER MAX PRISON with the worst criminals you can find as a former c/o WHEN YOU ARE AN INNOCENT WORKING PRODUCTIVE MEMBER OF HIS COMMUNITY. The mental strain on himself and family members that led to the demise of a 30 plus year marriage.Those are just a few of the reasons why this family is OWED its more than money if you ask me but the very least you should do to attempt to make it right is to make them whole again.You should double what they put out to prove their sons innocence but that’s another issue for another time.BUT THE MAIN REASON YOU SHOULD PAY THIS FAMILY IS BECAUSE AFTER ALL THEY WENT THROUGH BECAUSE OF YOUR POLICE DEPARTMENTS MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE OF SO MANY LEVELS,SHE GETS 2 YEARS IN JAIL AND THE POLICE DONT EVEN GET ANY REPERCUSSIONS?? Just plain sad..

    • Garry Stannus says:

      It’s a very concerning story. Gina, you wrote that Parkinson had admitted that “she had fabricated the entire story”. Do you have a link/reference that I could go to to check that?

      I listened to a short excerpt of a police interview … she seems in that to have agreed to the proposition that she drove to her ex-fiancee’s residence and planted the phone.

      A question for you, or for other readers, Gina: She was granted parole, apparently. Does that mean she showed remorse for her crime (i.e. admitted she’d done it)?

      I’ve just read Michelle Jones’ (Dan’s mum) account of the saga:

  26. Maria says:

    These are the only emails since July? C’mon people! Cause a rucous! This could be your family member. If you live in this community, do something! More TV, protests. Make as many people aware as you can. This woman AND the local PD are pure evil! All this family can receive now is compensation…Someone start a gofundme or whatever you do in Australia. Good luck Dan and your wonderful parents. I hope they can come together again. Such a sad and horrific story!

  27. Geri rizzo says:

    Sara Jane White and Scott John White, the people in Wollongong should be very concerned you live amongst them. What horrible horrible creatures allowed freedom.
    John Scott Whites police colleagues are not much better. I hope they all get the full force of the law… yea, what law.

  28. Rosa says:

    Every time I read about this case, makes my blood boil… That women is nothing but the Devil in disguise, my heart aches for Dan , his mom Michelle , his dad and all , the ones , whom in one way or the other had to suffered this terrible ordeal.I truly hope that every single dollar that you lost be restituted but above all your faith and joy for life. Truly hope justice be serve… I’m so happy for that wonderful officer investigator, and for your unconditional and resilient dad, and mom.

  29. Mike Henry says:

    This story is so sickening, it is a sordid affair and shows the ineptitude of the police and the entire judicial system. From my observations many policemen (as well as other para and military men) are extremely gullible, sexually insatiable and partial towards stories told by flirtatious women. In other words if they see an opportunity to sleep with a woman, they will believe anything she says and move heaven and earth to prove her claims via confirmation bias. Many would deny this but it is a part of policing that very few would admit to. Apart from claims of domestic violence, it is also seen with child support claims and false rape allegations. The fact that Sara was sleeping with that officer (and who knows if there were others) his foolish masculine ego and those of his colleagues allowed them to set about proving her ex-fiances’ guilt without even properly examining the evidence. This is why it took a female officer to review the evidence objectively because she was not charmed and p****whipped by that despicable woman. Sara should not be free after 2 years and her corrupt and incompetent husband needs to go to jail for his involvement. It is a shame doesn’t the law allow the family to sue the State or police department for such a horrible injustice?

    • Lorraine Cooke says:

      I was a female police officer and agree completely with everything you’ve said in regards to how male officers can be so easily deceived by flirty females falsely reporting domestic violence, abuse or sexual assaults. Male officers should never be allowed to investigate these cases.

  30. Charles Sowards says:

    I think this woman should be made to pay restitution to this family, if not with cash then jail time, she should be doing 10 years min. How and what she put this family through is despicable. I just can’t find the words to fit the evil in this person, And her new love is just as bad, If theres any justice they will be put in a straight line and shot with one bullit, scum like this belongs on a pond, and thats where they should throw the body’s.

    • Chad says:

      You are correct. The police should pay as well they did little to no investigation and just took her at her word.

      • Neil says:

        Thanks Carles and Chad, yes, that’s really obvious to anyone with ethics. Unfortunately, the Radical Feminism movement has this so stitched that unless a story is this bad or a man is deliberately killed in a vicious premeditated manner, the story won’t even be run in mainstream media let alone restitutions paid.

        • Morgan Rajan says:

          @Neil Has Australia achieved equal pay for equal work because most of the western world is still slowly getting there? I think we can agree that 60 minutes Australie is part of the mainstream media and did cover the story, it ‘s what lead me to this web page.

      • Mo says:

        Yes I agree , the police should pay the family cause they didn’t do their job and ending destroying a family and costing them a fortune.
        She should be jailed more than Dan for all the damage she caused together with her police boyfriend.

  31. Maris says:

    It is a legal system – not a justice system. My husband, family and I know, only too well.

  32. Daniel M McDonald says:

    This is disgraceful. Never should she have be released. What a terror.

  33. Brian Johnston says:

    Of course he will evade ‘whatever’.
    The police stick together. It is them versus society.
    They are a ‘brotherhood’.

  34. Williambtm says:

    Through the agency of so many people having online access nowadays that it’s only a short amount of time that this gross injustice dished out to Dan Jones becomes known to many thousands of people. Even worse is that the State’s Police Force is reluctant to make any comment. In other less Westernized countries, the people would rebel against their police forces knowing this kind of schitt is going on.
    A classic case of how the people in Australia are increasingly unable to trust the police uniform.
    There are good police officers out there, more than there are crooked police officers, problems begin when their work colleagues believe what claims are being made by those bastard crooked police officers.
    Usually, the crooked police are the ones holding high rank, that’s how it is in Tasmania.
    Add to that the State’s dodgy Supreme Court judges, then this State’s justice department, though I do make an exemption for the honorable Justice Brett.

  35. Robin Bowles says:

    Unfortunately, this and many sagas like it continue! Cops don’t commit perjury … if they lie under oath it’s called ‘noble corruption. — yes, they have term for it. It’s used to protect their mates or strengthen a flimsy set of evidence . I’ve signed the petition. I hope all your readers do too!

    • Peter Gill says:

      Mark Geragos wrote an excellent book in which he explains that most witnesses testify but cops testilie – and that most (not all, just most) of the cops do so because they think they’re actually doing the right thing, to keep the scum off the streets, ie they think it’s for the overall good to testilie in court. I highly recommend his book.

      • Tony Lawlor says:

        Which begs the question, considering the number of Law Enforcment Officers who have been caught lying in court to futher their case Why do Judges still take the word of a police officer as Gospel.

        • S says:

          Because they’re just as corrupt if not worse, and get off on victimizing people who have no recourse to hold them accountable?

          • Bianca says:

            Disgusted that no justice will be served
            I feel very sorry that this man and his family have had to live thru this
            Police officer or not he’s corrupt and should have to serve a sentence like anyone else would

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