Sue Neill-Fraser petition for inquiry passes 25,000 signatures

A petition calling for an independent judicial inquiry into the conviction of Sue Neill-Fraser has now received over 25,000 signatures (at September 7, 2021), according to a statement by the Sue Neill-Fraser Support Group. It comes on the heels of last month’s tabling of new exculpatory evidence in Parliament. Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 17 Comments

Belligerence v evidence bedevils Sue Neill-Fraser dispute

Andrew L. Urban.

Shouting at the People v Arguing the Evidence has characterised the public dispute over the reliability of Sue Neill-Fraser’s murder conviction, as the latest public statements show. Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 19 Comments

‘Sue is okay’ and accepts she did the wrong thing say visitors

According to two visitors to Sue Neill-Fraser in solitary today (Sept. 6, 2021) “she is okay,” and she accepts that she did the wrong thing sending an account for publication on this blog, ‘A Day in the Life …’  Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 14 Comments

Why Tasmanian police are smarting – not acting smart

Andrew L. Urban

The Tasmanian police community is smarting – not to be confused with acting smart – from the latest revelations of incompetence (and worse) that ruined the investigation into the disappearance of Bob Chappell on Australia Day 2009. After papers tabled in the Legislative Council by Mersey MLC Mike Gaffney (August 31, 2021) that detailed new evidence of incompetence and malpractice both the Police Commissioner and the Police Association have made defensive and disparaging public statements.  Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 10 Comments

Solitary confinement in Australian prisons – a study note

A further punishment other than that imposed by the courts? A breach of Australia’s international human rights obligations? PETER NORDEN AO explores these questions in the following brief extracts from his paper, published in 2019. Continue reading

Posted in General articles | 3 Comments

Sue Neill-Fraser in solitary

Sue Neill-Fraser has been moved into solitary confinement for five days from the end of last week and will then move to maximum security, losing all privileges she has earned over the past decade of incarceration.

Neill-Fraser’s daughter Sarah Bowles found out on Saturday. No clear reasons have been given.

The decision to move Neill-Fraser was made on the eve of the Saturday September 4 vigil held outside Parliament, and follows the unorthodox intervention by Police Commissioner Darren Hine the day before, in a statement that rebuts criticisms of the original police investigation and stating as “fact” that Neill-Fraser is guilty. His statement has drawn criticism and surprise.

Needless to say, her family is distraught and concerned that further hardship is inflicted on a woman they consider to have been in prison unjustly for 12 years.

More reporting to come …

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 29 Comments

Tasmania’s legal authorities have something to say about the Sue Neill-Fraser case.

Andrew L. Urban.

The Attorney-General, the DPP and the Police Commissioner have something to say about the Sue Neill-Fraser case. We report the following in the wake of much recent public unease and lack of confidence in the guilty verdict delivered 11 years ago.  Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 9 Comments

Tas Police Commissioner said what?

Andrew L. Urban.

The Mercury’s Cameron Whitely reported on September 3, 2021 (online 4.57pm) that Tasmanian Police Commissioner Darren Hine “weighed in to the ongoing debate about Sue Neill-Fraser’s murder conviction saying supporters of the convicted killer were making ‘selective arguments’ and that he had confidence in the investigation and legal process.” This will not age well.  Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 22 Comments

A day in the life – Sue Neill-Fraser

Incarcerated in the women’s section of Hobart’s Risdon prison since August 20, 2009, Sue Neill-Fraser is awaiting the outcome of her second appeal against the conviction for a murder she vehemently denies (and many others regard as wrongful). Security regulations prohibit the revelation of specifics about the day to day running of the prison, but her variously moving and entertaining ‘diary’ below, gives us a glimpse into a typical day in her life.  Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 15 Comments

Tas. Legislative Council hears case to reopen Sue Neill-Fraser appeal

Andrew L. Urban

In a significant development in the afternoon of August 31, 2021, in the Sue Neill-Fraser case, Tasmanian Legislative Council member the Hon. Michael Gaffney MLC (Ind), Member for Mersey, devoted his first adjournment speech in 13 years to her case, “first to bring us together to right a wrong and secondly to have the Attorney-General join us in that quest,” tabling the Etter/Selby documents, giving them Parliamentary privilege. Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 34 Comments