Author Archives: janitor

David Szach: a dying man’s legal rights denied

“Bureaucratic madness” is denying a dying man his legal rights to an appeal so he can clear his name of a murder conviction. By Andrew L. Urban. On December 19, 2014, it’ll be 35 years since the day David Szach … Continue reading

Posted in Case 03 David Szach | 7 Comments

Seek the culprits not convictions

Symposium on Miscarriages of Justice, Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia, Nov. 7 & 8, 2014. Andrew L. Urban reports. Pursuing convictions at the expense of catching the actual culprits of serious crimes, grave errors at trial by prosecutors and judges alike, … Continue reading

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Sue Neill-Fraser – poor start to police investigation

By Andrew L. Urban It is only with full confidence in our police and the courts that a democracy remains healthy and strong; that’s obvious. In a democracy, neither of these institutions should behave like their counterparts in a police … Continue reading

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Sue Neill-Fraser – fundamental failure of the rule of law

By Andrew L. Urban Several serious legal errors were made at the 2010 trial of Sue Neill-Fraser, any one of which warrants the murder conviction being set aside, according to a legal expert in miscarriages of justice, Dr Bob Moles. … Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 1 Comment

Sue Neill-Fraser – new DNA report contradicts conviction

By Andrew L. Urban In what acclaimed legal expert Dr Bob Moles describes (60 Minutes, 9 Network, Sunday, August 24, 2014) as the worst miscarriage of justice in 40 years, the 2010 murder conviction of Sue Neill-Fraser has now been … Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 4 Comments

Sue Neill Fraser – ‘Police Chief’ on failures of investigation

By Andrew L. Urban Tunnel vision by police investigators is one of the leading causes of wrongful convictions, according to a respected former Detective Inspector, when alternative theories to the crime are not considered and potential suspects are eliminated from … Continue reading

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Sue Neill Fraser – why should we listen to Dr Bob Moles?

By Andrew L. Urban Tasmanian MPs have been invited to attend a special Parliamentary briefing (August 19, 2014) by  Adelaide based law expert Dr Bob Moles, canvassing the errors and flaws Dr Moles has identified in relation to the (arguably … Continue reading

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Sue Neill Fraser – 5th anniversary, nothing to celebrate

By Andrew L. Urban August 20, 2014, marks 5 years to the day since the arrest of Hobart grandmother Sue Neill Fraser, for the murder of her partner Bob Chappell. She has been in custody ever since, without pre-trial bail … Continue reading

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Sue Neill-Fraser – Manufacturing A Murder

By Andrew L. Urban Sue Neill-Fraser will celebrate – if that’s the word – her 60th birthday on March 3, 2014 inside Hobart’s Risdon prison, shut away from her daughters and grandchildren, serving a 23 year sentence for the murder … Continue reading

Posted in Case 01 Sue Neill-Fraser | 2 Comments

Alan Turing tribute by Jurys Inn Manchester

By Andrew L. Urban Alan Turing (1912 – 1954), some readers will remember, is the man from Manchester who broke the German’s Enigma code and doing so, probably helped shorten WWII by two years or more, saving hundreds of thousands … Continue reading

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