Category Archives: General articles

Articles relevant to the subject of wrongful convictions

Why … ?

Andrew L. Urban. In a criminal legal system that relies for legitimacy on uniformity of application and consistency of outcomes, apparent anomalies stand out. 

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Jurors behaving badly

Answering a question on Quora*, What things have you accidentally overheard? Do you regret hearing them? former US criminal trial attorney BRIAN KEARNEY, told the following story about a jury deliberation process he accidentally overheard. Warning: don’t read this before … Continue reading

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Justice denied – and painted

Andrew L. Urban. Striking intimate portraits in oil on canvas capturing faces of wrongfully convicted and those advocating for them, by Queensland artist Sky Parra, will be displayed in the DENIED exhibition at Salamanca Art Centre’s Social Gallery, (67 Salamanca … Continue reading

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Shopping to improve The System

Andrew L. Urban Jury research, divorcing forensic services from police and quality control of The System – a shopping list for reforms in a new book by Professor Stephen Cordner AM and Dr Kerry Breen AO. 

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The UK post office scandal of wrongful convictions began 14 years ago

ANDREW BRIDGEN, Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire, reveals the back story of this serial miscarriage of justice. “In 2010, as a newly elected MP, nothing prepared me for a constituency surgery appointment with Michael and Susan Rudkin, a … Continue reading

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Presumption of guilt & the burden of proof

The presumption of innocence is under attack, writes DAVID RICHARDS, founding member of Australians For Science and Freedom (ASF). 

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Faked admission of a rape that didn’t happen

The day before the rape trial began, the complainant’s deception came to light: she had rehearsed a script for a phone call to manipulate AA* into making admissions to a rape that didn’t happen. In the interest of public debate … Continue reading

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UK Post Office scandal: 700 wrongly convicted

Channel 7 will screen UK ITV’s drama Mr Bates vs the Post Office over two evenings on 14 and 21 February, the dramatised true story that finally broke the UK’s shocking post office scandal into the public consciousness, and has … Continue reading

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New York takes the wrongful conviction cake

Andrew L. Urban. Bypassing the police with her rape allegation, the complainant publishes it in a book, some 37 years later. But it may have been 36 years …The case goes to trial in a civil court. 

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Mark Tedeschi KC “impermissibly straining for a conviction”

To date, we have published 37 negative comments from readers on this blog about the former NSW Senior Crown Prosecutor Mark Tedeschi KC, adding to our own criticisms of his prosecutorial behaviour in several cases. Tedeschi finally resigned in 2018 … Continue reading

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