Long sentences that don’t make sense

Some sentences are incomprehensible.

NEW YORK, June 25, 2021: Police office Derek Chauvin has been sentenced to 22 and a half years for the world famous murder of George Floyd. Prosecutors sought 30 years, saying Chauvin’s act was cruel and it was in the presence of children. Floyd had a criminal record and was drug affected at the time of his death.

HOBART, October 18, 2010: Sue Neill-Fraser was sentenced to 26 years (reduced on appeal to 23) for the murder of her partner, Bob Chappell, whose body has never been found, nor has a murder weapon. Neill-Fraser had no criminal record.

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9 Responses to Long sentences that don’t make sense

  1. Nola Rae Scheele says:

    Yes criminals should be incarcerated.

    But it also goes to show that innocent people are also.

    How do the police in this day and age convict a person where there is no body, no murder weapon, and no real circumstantial proof.

    Justice is blind Sue and you are paying for a criminal to go free.

  2. Pauline Taylor says:

    Can’t we get someone such as Geoffrey Robinson interested in this terrible misscarriage of justice, it is an embarrassment to the whole of the Australian legal service?

    • Peter Gill says:

      I think that’s a good idea to try to get more high profile people like Geoffrey Robertson involved in these Aussie battles for justice. If you want to change the system, public support via significant well-regarded people such as Michael Kirby and Geoffrey Robertson, and saturation of TV and radio, are usually the best ways.

  3. owen allen says:

    Andrew, it started with Alan Blow. Walking into court braying, not going to be lenient today. And sentenced a student to prison for 3 months for stealing books.
    But lets drug dealers walk. I sent a dossier to all Australian Leaders and others,
    China, USA. I walk the talk.

    • John Biggs says:

      I hadn’t heard that Owen. But that could explain how Chief Justices are appointed in a jurisdiction like Tasmania. Show no mercy to the weak and and who can’t fight back. Our PM is a shining example of that.

    • Peter Gill says:

      Owen – that’s a low blow. Actually Tasmania’s justice problems started in 1803, or possibly earlier.

  4. Rodger Warren says:

    Hi Andrew
    Thank you and others for keeping the mistaken incarceration of Sue Neill-Fraser alive.
    Unfortunately trying to make sense of her prosecution and trial is impossible.
    The sad situation is that no one in authority wants to look at her case with an open mind.
    I am 100% sure Sue is innocent and will be found innocent. Let us hope she will be well enough to enjoy her freedom when it occurs.
    Rodger Warren

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