“I am innocent” – Robert Xie

Andrew L. Urban unravels the Crown’s circular argument that Robert Xie must be guilty because the murders ‘must have been’ committed at a time the Crown claims, without evidence.  In fact, he had an alibi: he was in his bed asleep by his wife, as she confirmed. The prosecution, determined to negate the alibi, asserted without evidence that he drugged his wife. 

As he stood to hear the jury’s verdict, he proclaimed his innocence to the court in his Chinese accented English. “I did not murder the Lin family. I am innocent.”

This book sets out to prove he was telling the truth. He was framed by the state.

“…there was no psychopharmacological evidence that she was drugged,” – Professor Ian R. Coyle, Fellow of the College of Forensic Psychology of the Australian Psychological Society

“I am overwhelmed by the conclusion that Robert Xie’s convictions are unsafe and unsatisfactory and my doubt is more than reasonable; it is substantial.” – Stuart Tipple, former lawyer for Lindy Chamberlain

“Clearly the onus of proof has been reversed in this case and speculation has been presented as if it were ‘evidence’ … Nothing short of a Royal Commission will get this badly damaged ship back on course.” – Dr Bob Moles, Flinders University legal academic



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5 Responses to “I am innocent” – Robert Xie

  1. peter Versi says:

    I don’t want to compare my conviction to that of Xie. BUT ……. I came from a room that did not exist , TWICE !!!!! I also was accused of offending at a time and circumstance whereby my wife was present and the DPP responded with ….. Oh well , it must have happened another time , therefore admitting that i had an alibi and a second transgression must have occurred , !!

    The complainant only raised one incident and not two as would have to be the case if DPP assertion is to be believed.

    I discussed these anomalies with the policewoman who remains in contact with me . Her answer is , you must have had a terrible lawyer. my short reply was yes i did !! But that does not excuse the Police or DPP who both had , in the police brief , the evidence that cleared me . They ignored it!! and they had the evidence ….. that is far worse than the incompetence of my Counsel .

    They had plans of the house and builders statement that proved the room from where i came did not exist till about 1990 but the offence was alleged in 1986, in a room that did not exist ..

    Then there was a statement made to Police by my accuser , that i had made admissions . A statement which was also made to the Cousellor JA . JA gave evidence that My accuser told her i had made admissions to a previous counselor . Due to further contradiction , my accuser’s final statement to police was that i had made NO ADMISSIONS at all.

    Clearly it is easy to hoodwink a jury by omission . I have to report to police for 15 years . …. 2028 !!!!

    i am now 76 years old . I have blood cancer and have been in heart failure 3 times. I want my name cleared before I die. I want the Police and DPP to have my verdict changed to NOT GUILTY!

    My wife, my accuser’s mother is still with me after 44 years of marriage .. she has suffered greatly. We have two children together. They were devastated by my conviction and incarceration . They are both damaged.

    Don’t cover up your failures ! Correct Them !! it’s bout time . I have lost my voice . I deserve it back !!
    Peter V.

    • andrew says:

      It is shattering how many of you there are…innocents wrongfully convicted by a system only accountable to your accusers! And your accusers unaccountable to justice. You, Robert Xie, Noel Greenaway, Sue Neill-Fraser, Derek Bromley, Robert Farquharson, Marco Rusterholz … and others.

      • Peter versi says:

        A man called blackstone said better 10 guilty men escape than one innocent man to suffer.

        Benjamin Franklin later thought it disproportionate and said ‘better 100 guilty men go free than one innocent man in jail. Too high a standard? No, ! Not if it happened to your son , husband , brother or father. Do you remember the young Australian woman journalist who said it’s ok if a few innocent men are convicted in the interest of dismantling this dangerous patriarchal society.
        How many men and women out there would be ashamed if their daughter had made such a nasty ill considered remark. Her father , sacrificed? I doubt it !

  2. Ben Dean says:

    “Clearly the onus of proof has been reversed in this case and speculation has been presented as if it were ‘evidence’ … Nothing short of a Royal Commission will get this badly damaged ship back on course.” – Dr Bob Moles, Flinders University legal academic

    The echo in Noelene and Cedric Jordan’s murder conviction.

  3. Wal Mills says:

    Why is it in so many of these case that the defense lawyers don’t object to these speculative accusations or am I missing something.

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