Andrew L. Urban.
Meaghan Vass says she will say in court what she said on 60 Minutes, that she was on board Four Winds (the crime scene) when Bob Chappell was killed – and Sue Neill-Fraser (who has been convicted of his murder) was not. “If I have to go to court I will say the same as I said to 60 Minutes – as it’s the truth.”

Meaghan Vass (fb 2019)
Vass spoke to on the eve of the 10th Anniversary of Neill-Fraser’s August 20, 2009 arrest for the murder of her partner Bob Chappell on Australia Day 2009. “Firstly I’d like to say that I have not made any statement of any kind to anyone since 60 Minutes.” That interview went to air on March 10, 2019, but was recorded well before the March 8 police interview, after which police issued a statement to the effect that she had changed her story. This is the second time Vass has denied that. The first time was on April 15, three days before her court appearance, where the transcript of the police interview failed to provide any evidence to support the police claim.
The police interview on March 8, 2019, was recorded on camera as far as the bud of weed she was carrying – but after the video was stopped, she was asked by a detective (in reference to being on board Four Winds at the time of Chappell’s death) to “tell the truth” – to which Vass replied: “I already have.”
Clearly concerned for Sue Neill-Fraser still being in prison, she said: “I wish things would happen quicker for Sue as since 60 Minutes things seem to be taking too long to happen.”
Vass, who is still homeless as she was in and prior to 2009, has been in and out of rehab and is (at time of writing) staying with friends.
I have just finished reading the book about sue Neill Fraser ,it certainly is an amazing lot of lies and, the police stuff up,s , there are some police that just jump in and blame the person who has been blamed for something so they can get away (the easy way) Sue should have been set free when one other suspect finally told the truth. When she is exonerated I trust that Tasmania will have to pay this poor lady several lots of dollars (millions) God bless sue and all who are helping to get the freedom she should have had the first place. (Subedited)
Meaghan CANNOT do a back flip again, Justice needs to be done. Sue needs to be released and Tasmania needs to compensate this poor woman and her family. They are all Victims of a Crime…………
Megan Vass has informed to the world in simple language she was on the Four Winds the night two men physically murdered Bob Chappell. A witness to events of murder of absolute shocking bloody violence. A murder attributed to Susan Neil Frazer. I and the world see Justice denied to an innocent frail woman persecuted – framed – incarcerated – her innocence denied. DNA frames the police, DPP and those within whom continue to punish and torture Susan Neil Frazer! 10 years of absolute brutality. Why when murders of Bob Chappell walk free? WHY?
The Tasmanian Government Agencies (law enforcement and judicial systems). Are highly compromised by these revelations. They don’t want to stake the minor reputations, they hold in office. So denial of Sue’s justice, avoids them of being infringed.
When it comes to Governmental departments and agencies, they value corps, over the livings’ needs. I hope Sue , her family seek restitution by these power mongering , guising as Authoritarians .
I agree that Meaghan will be under alot of pressure when appearing in court after viewing her 60 minute episode on TV however let us hope she will stand up to Lawyers who may put pressure on her.
I agree with what Meaghan said that after the 60 minute programme with her statements that it’s taking way too long to even get to this stage .
A woman’s freedom is at stake and 10 years in jail through circumstantial evidence and assumptions is absurd .The whole case has been a witch hunt and is farcial.
Delaying red faced day isn’t going to get the legal system off the hook …eventually they will have to admit the miscarriage of justice and fairy tales.
I am filled with apprehension for Meaghan. What will they try to do to her? Will some polished attorney-at-law allow himself to cross-examine her, a girl who could not be more vulnerable? What is she, homeless, strung-out, frightened, lacking real friends?
I only hope that cross-examination is not a part of the appeal process to the extent that it was in the original trial when Sue was on the stand.
Or will it simply be a matter of luck?
Meagan, don’t be afraid, just repeat the truth. If you feel weak remember the strength of Sue Neill-Fraser and imagine that you are holding her hand. Remember too those Titans of justice Eve and Colin, they’re not bad either.
There may be no need for Meaghan to appear in the court if TasPol have the interview on video. (REST OF COMMENT DELETED. Comments by you under any of your aliases related to the subject of Meaghan Vass / police interview will not be published under our ‘no going round in circles’ and ‘no flogging a dead horse’ guidelines.)
Phew! Relief.
Ambushing a valuable and mostly well-informed discussion via pseudonyms is gutless, cunning and unwelcome.
Thanks moderator
I totally agree with Meaghan Vass (and many other people) that the release of Sue Neil-Fraser is well overdue.
To anyone who thinks different or tries to skew or distort what’s been written can leave their comments at the door…. I was there and she said exactly what was written and she meant it.
PS to my previous post —
Then DPP Ellis acknowledged the obligations in at least two of his Annual Reports. Excerpt from his 1999-2000 Annual Report: –
“… My Office willingly accepts the responsibility, which comes with the obligation that the State must be a “model litigant”. …”
My recollection is this was repeated through to at least the 2002 Annual report, but I can’t be bothered checking. Rhetoric, rhetoric and more rhetoric!
Codswallop in my experience.
Gutsy Meaghan Vass — I sooo wish her safe travels in this horrific experience, and in due course may she feel immense satisfaction for her role in the whole saga of a wrongful conviction, as the Crown endeavoured to and did, avoid its important obligations as The Crown as a Model Litigant.
For the benefit of the reader who maybe unfamiliar with this obligation —
The Crown as a Model Litigant should:
• Maintain a standard of fair play,
• Never take technical points, always act reasonably and fairly Act in accordance with good conscience.
• Not take advantage of its own default, and
• Act in accordance with good conscience.
The courts have spoken positively of a public body’s obligation of:-
• conscientious compliance with procedures designed to minimise cost and delay, and
• assisting ‘the court to arrive at a proper and just result”.
(I won’t include references here)
And the courts have been critical of a government litigant taking purely technical points of practice and procedure thereby —
• Unfairly impairing the other party’s capacity to defend itself; and
• Of taking advantage of its own default.
To the contrary, the Court should not at all embrace a situation where the Crown as the model litigant, should be seen to take advantage of its own default.
These expectations are said to derive from the fact that the government lawyer’s client list is not an individual citizen but the citizenry at large, a client of whom the community expects high standards and whose ultimate objective is that justice be done.
This morning on ABC radio I heard Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (Tasmania) referring to public money as “taxpayers’ funds”. Specifically (it suited his subject matter) he said public funds do not belong to the government; they are taxpayers’ funds to be spent prudently. Another hmmmn …
Personally I fear for the safety of this witness and sincerely hope she is
in an undisclosed safe haven. This case has had many bizarre events, it certainly does not need any more.
Agreed let’s hope Meaghan is safe and feels safe. In different ways She has been as much a victim over the ten years as Sue and let’s not forget the professional damage and financial and other suffering afforded to others connected to the case, including but not only, Barbara Etter and Jeff Thompson. The appeal cannot be delayed any longer. It would be ideal that interstate judges are brought to Tasmania to hear the Appeal.
I hope they leave Meaghan alone as well. She has done a very brave thing by speaking out. I really hope the people around her can be trusted,,Good luck Meaghan.
I am so glad that Meaghan sounds like she is doing well and her friends keep her safe – hope this continues and police stay away!!!! Still trying their tricks and asking questions once the video has been turned off – they continue to try to apply pressure.
I am sure this will bring another heap of comments that will continue to try to discredit Meaghan and Sue. I say to those people – is there anything that will make you question the actions of police in Tasmania???? Or are you in fact police yourselves – hmmmmm.
Good call Di kemp