Sue Neill-Fraser book timely as prosecutors in spotlight

“Mr Sofronoff deserves the nation’s gratitude for turning our minds to the next issue: the extent to which other prosecutors are sidelining fundamental principles in order to secure convictions …” The Australian, Wednesday, August 9, 2023. 

Sydney human rights barrister Felicity Graham, who specialises in police and government accountability and hosts The Wigs podcast, ran a survey in late July, 2023, at the Legal Aid NSW Criminal Law Conference, which comprised mostly experienced criminal lawyers and “a handful” of prosecutors and barristers, asking: in criminal proceedings in NSW, how frequently does the prosecution fail to comply with its duty of disclosure?

Of about 300 lawyers there, 93 per cent of participants said the prosecution failed to comply with its disclosure obligations in NSW either routinely or frequently. Only 6 per cent said it was ­occasionally or rarely and 1 per cent said not sure.

Coming in the wake of the Sofronoff inquiry, The Exoneration Papers – Sue Neill-Fraser, is a timely addition to the focus on prosecutorial behaviour, with its deconstruction of what went wrong in that case.

The Exoneration Papers – Sue Neill-Fraser is now available for pre-order. It will be launched by former Tasmanian premier Lara Giddings on August 23, 2023 at Fullers bookshop in Hobart. It is now available for pre-order:

Cover photo courtesy Eve Ash

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6 Responses to Sue Neill-Fraser book timely as prosecutors in spotlight

  1. Garry Stannus says:

    Well, I’ve got my copy … first impression, skimming bits and pieces, is that it’s very readable.

    Of course, I will read it slowly and fully in a little while. The photographs show Sue to be from her childhood to her days with Bob, to have been the same good-looking, good-natured Sue that I’ve come to know, over these years past.

    I’m glad I ordered-in the book, from Petrarch’s Book Shop, Launceston, as I was not able to attend the book-launch in Hobart.

    To those readers who would like to know where they can buy the book, you just need to phone or walk into your nearest bookshop and ask them to order it in for you.

    “The Exoneration Papers: Sue Neill Fraser” /Andrew Urban: Melbourne, Wilkinson Publishing, 2023.

  2. Father Ted Whalensky says:

    Am currently re-reading Murder by the Prosecution . Seek The Truth – on my old High School Blazer – Justice is a far more difficult “thing” to achieve – A nice living to made resisting any attempts – don’t downplay the warm feeling – cooking your goose – watching you squirm !

  3. Fiona Peate says:

    Wow! Interesting stat, but not too many are brave enough to do anything about it …. or maybe they just don’t know where to start.

  4. Rodger Warren says:

    Hi Andrew
    Good work.
    I will be purchasing a copy.
    Rodger Warren

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