Andrew L. Urban.
A petition to cancel the upcoming Restoring the Presumption of Innocence Conference inadvertently makes the very point of the conference: the need to protect the presumption of innocence. The Conference, organised by Bettina Arndt and hosted by the Australians for Science and Freedom and sponsored by Mothers of Sons, is scheduled for June 1, 2024, in Sydney’s Rushcutters Bay (venue TBA.)
The petition is introduced with the message: “Cancel Bettina Arndt’s event platforming accused rapist Bruce Lehrmann and others.” The hysterical message is expanded in the blurb “…Lehrmann and other dangerous individuals.” Read that again: “and other dangerous individuals”.
Those “other dangerous individuals” mentioned in earlier promotion materials by Arndt include Margaret Cunneen SC (former crown prosecutor now defence barrister), Chris Merritt (Vice President of the Rule of Law Institute), Gigi Foster (UNSW economist) and Professor Augusto Zimmermann (Perth-based law professor and former Law Reform Commissioner). Arndt also lists a whistle blower who will show how key organisations providing domestic violence services are demonising male victims and ignoring female perpetrators. “Plus we’ll announce plans of action – how do we restore the presumption of innocence?”
But it wasn’t any of those dangerous individuals who exhibited aggro; it was a critic of the event called Deborah Lyttle, who posted: “Let’s hope #Lehrmann is in jail by June 1 and Bettina Arndt is locked in a room full of rapists and child molesters. What a horrible woman … wonder what’s wrong with her?”
Arndt says “The petition to close down the conference was started by a professional advocacy group for survivors. Astonishingly they are calling on MPs Allegra Spender and Alex Greenwich plus the Woollahra Council to stop it from happening.” (Maybe another event could discuss tolerance …)
She adds: “If anyone has the right to speak publicly about the presumption of innocence it is Bruce Lehrmann – the ultimate victim of trial by media.”


Bettina Arndt AM
Arndt was motivated to develop such a conference because “The presumption of innocence has been tossed aside – totally discarded by our biased media and undermined by regular legislative tampering with basic principles of justice.
“For decades our justice system has been tilted to favour “victims”, with the result that men and women are treated very differently – by police, the Family Court, judges and juries in the criminal law system.”
Our investigations into the case of Noel Greenaway, for instance, details how true that observation is. The only evidence against him at trial was a number of untestable statements by the now elderly women complainants, referring to events they claimed happened half a century prior. The details are laid out in Presumption of Evil ( and in stories we have published here – see menu on the right.
The full day (8:30 – 5:00) conference is aimed at a professional legal audience and will be live streamed. Morning tea and a light lunch are included in the ticket price for attendees: ASF members $110, non-members $132.
Next Monday, April 15, 2024, at 10.15, Justice Michael Lee will deliver his judgement on the outcome of the defamation trial in which Lehrmann is suing Network TEN and Lisa Wilkinson.
Thank you for supporting traditional concepts of justice and law,The same injustices are occurring in the USA. The online article entitled “Feminist Gulag: No Prosecution Necessary” outlines the same. The URL for the article is:
The Queensland (female) Police Commissioner reported to the mug punters – “Stacey Train was lying on the ground wounded, firing with the best of them”. (returning fire at the police helicopter gun ship ) OMG. These Modern Millie types sure are assertive! Please show us the video evidence . Please ! Show us the video ! That statement wouldn’t be in a similar vein to fetal blood spray all over the the Holden , or Derwent dinghy blood would it ? DNA on the bootie .The point ? Women get done over too – as well. In the Land of the Free. (and the not so brave). All part of the
gutless scurrilous abuse of power, used on sometimes innocent men and women of Australia. Without common decency or common sense. Queensland Police heroes tortured ! Tortured ! Ray Bailey’s pregnant wife so he would confess to a murder they knew he didn’t commit- the evidence clearly showed he was not at the horrible scene – That didn’t stop the South Australian proven moronics from committing State Murder . Still refusing to appologise .Mongrels never appologise. eg.Michael Chamberlain . Daryl Beamish. “Concealment of Birth of Bastards Act” The Happy Parliament of 1624- still in force ? How is a mother to know she has given birth to a lawyer, or worse ? Should be used on many a police/dpp/ Judge combo. The conviction of the innocent is just about never a mistake . Deliberately manipulated and fooled (sometimes stacked) juries deliver the desired verdicts . Not justice . Do private contract hangmen sometimes take some poor bastards head off ? Catch the head. 20 thousand turned up for one hanging in Hanglandia (South Australia) A thrilling experience for the responsible police person to watch an innocent headless corpse sinew hanging on the government rope . Ancient (30 to 50 years) cleverly crafted and coached allegations of sagacious and salacious molestation will stick where there is money to be made for the shrewd law firm.
And this on top of the recent fiasco of the withdrawal of the invitation to Bettina Arndt to address the event arranged by the Sydney University Young Conservatives Club…at the direction of The President of the Young Liberals and his conduct then praised by a Liberal Senator who says her role in the party includes acting as the mentor of their movement.
This whole culture is a real and present danger to the moral health of our society.
‘moral health’? perhaps more like moral sickness?
This conference needs to go ahead to allow those who do not have a voice to be heard, It’s not hate speech, it’s not racist or sexist. It is not about Lehrmann and Higgins but it is hopeful that this case shows that change is needed. Everything he says attracts a biased media pilon. Everyone around him is being bullied and belittled just by associating with him.
I never thought I would see this degree of denigration of an individual in Australia.
Justice cannot be based upon your ability to pay up to $600K to fight and appeal your case like the young engineering student. His family fought and supported him throughout. I can’t be about ability to pay it has to be about consistent and reliable Justice System.
Being wrongly accused is a lonely place! It is sad that people cannot understand why Presumption of Innocence is so important. Is time for change. Thank you Andrew for all you do to communicate this important right to others.
Thanks Andrew for the update and great work. And thanks too, to Bettina Ardnt, a woman of courage and conviction. Society is falling apart, or being pulled apart more and more, so it is vital we band together and resist.